Sunday, May 31, 2020

Quarantine Day 77

Family lunch today. I had trouble sleeping so did not stay in town too long.

I googled my shoulder pain. Sort of have an idea what could be going on. Pretty much what my doctor said. Need to call my RA doctor in Wichita and have her check it out. I hurt so bad I could not sleep or find a comfy position. Google said the pain is worse at night. Well, no duh. Why I do not know.

Thought a lot about my life before the virus, before I was betrayed, and before Willie died. Sort of sad. Nothing will ever be the same. Hard to remember. Not jealous of others, just sad for me. And knowing nothing is ever going to change. Life is hard.

For a change I watched a movie on Acorn TV. It was a sweet/bittersweet movie of coming of age in Britain early 1900s. Made me cry once. Great scenery. Now back to Agatha.

Photos today are some of mine, some are not, but I edited them all.

Saturday, May 30, 2020

Quarantine Day 76

Home Alone!! Wish I was just in a movie!!  Not a horrible day. Just quiet.

One friend made some absolutely stupid comments about life now. Everyone entitled to their own opinion but I do not have to read stupidity. Did not unfriend but fixed it so I do not see her stuff. Had to do that to another friend also. No great loss. One person I had thought of asking to be a friend but he agreed with her so no need to ask for his friendship. Calm and peaceful is the way to go.

Sat out with Nico. He slept while I watched the world go by. In my pastures I had around 50 white egrets! I love them. They never stay here though. They are always with the cattle. I got a few photos but none are wonderful. Too lazy to get my good camera. And while watching them I saw a red headed woodpecker. They never come near my house but land on the pasture fences. They are gorgeous.

Weather forecast sucks. Hot and hotter. In the 90s. Good to be in quarantine!

Found a great new show on Acorn TV. About a middle age private eye named Agatha Raison. She moved from the city to a wonderful small village. The show is entertaining but the scenery is awesome! The British country side, the old houses, the narrow roads. I would love to be there. It is all real, not built for the film. The towns people have adjusted to the movie crew and get to be in the background on occasion. And, by the way, she does not look middle age. Dresses very stylish and always with 5" spikes while walking on cobblestones and rocky roads. Better woman than I am!

Photos today are a mix of stuff. 

Friday, May 29, 2020

Quarantine Day 75

Wow. Been isolated for 75 days. I do try to get out on occasion in the car and very safely. Been criticized for it though. I always wear a mask and sanitize my hands. I routinely check my temperature at least twice a day.

Went with my brother to Jalisco's. Then I stopped where my best friend is working. We were never closer than 6 feet except to elbow bump. Criticize away.

Nice weather today. Watched my nephew blade my driveway while eating through my doorbell camera. Very cool. Temp was near 80 but much worse is on the way. And bugs. I hate bugs.


Thursday, May 28, 2020

Quarantine Day 74

Another boring, unmotivated day. Something inside me needs to change. But I have no clue how.

I sat outside for an hour with Nico. He laid in the sun most of the time. Left my phone in the house and missed a call. Dang. No one ever calls but my best friend. Maybe he will call me back.

Took photos tonight of what I see from my patio. Nothing special.

My dala horse says Kom Igen. My town thinks it is how you tell people to visit again. In no way is that what it means. It is a sports thing to cheer your team on. They have been told to no avail.

Wednesday, May 27, 2020

Quarantine Day 73

A nice cool day. No rain but cloudy. Soon in the 80s and 90s. I hate hot weather. But this is Kansas.

I actually saw someone come into the restaurant with a mask on. No one walking around in town had masks on. Guess that is ok unless you meet others and do not distance from them.

Went to town to eat Mexican food. Saw all the staff and my best friend and his boss. And I took a few photos. One photo of a flower I edited it until the spider on it was visible. Cool tiny spider.

I have a hair appointment on thursday. Not heard if they are open or not but I won't go this month. My hair is fine. I can wait.

003/2025 Fredag the 07th - Wandering & Capturing Moments

  Today's Name Day:   Camilla I was in school with a girl named Camille.  We knew each other but not friends.  She was a year older ...