Tuesday, June 30, 2020

Quarantine Day 107......

Oh what a day! I saw 103F in my car and 100F on my front porch. Humid and windy. Awful day. Little chance for rain.

I was supposed to have therapy today but she and her kids were at a huge sports event with kids from all over. I elected not to go. See what happens next week. I personally think those events should not take place in a pandemic. Stupid. This weekend there is a huge one in Wichita with kids from several states. Stupid.

I met friends at a coffee shop this afternoon. Love being there and absolutely everyone who came in had a mask on. Wow!!! Only one lady came in without mask. I would have expected her to have one. Odd. Nice break from monotony.

Nephew texted that harvest is over. Yay!!! Now it can rain all it wants!!

Photos today are where I used to work. It was originally the home of an artist, Lester Raymer. Now it is museum and gallery. I did computer work and gave tours there. I quit when I had knee surgery. I still work at an auction twice a year. I loved being there and always wanted to fit in but I truly think I never did. Story of my life. I mostly fit in nowhere.

Monday, June 29, 2020

Quarantine Day 106......

It is official that I am losing my mind! Got up early for lab work. Checked in at the hospital only to find out I was a month early. MONTH EARLY.  Duh. Now I need to change a second appointment also. I thought it was a bit soon!!

Our governor has now mandated that all wear masks when outside or inside and social distancing is not possible. I have never heard so much whining and crying. There is the group who think their rights are being ripped away if they need to protect others. Then there is an entire new group I was not aware of. Oh Lord help us. IF you wear a mask you cannot then open carry a weapon or conceal carry a weapon. Really? My opinion only, no one needs to carry a weapon unless working in law enforcement of some kind. There are a lot of people I would be terrified if I knew they had a weapon. I swear people will do anything other than help another person. I can give 100 people the virus but do not take my gun away. SMH

Hot, humid, with strong winds. Lovely day. But. Tomorrow is worse. We are forecast to hit 100F. Yay.

Photos are just closeups of flowers.

Sunday, June 28, 2020

Quarantine Day 105......

Should have been a good day but did not quite measure up. My feelings got hurt. No big deal. Will adjust my life to please others.

No blog today. Not up to it. All photos but the last one are mine. Last one I liked.

Saturday, June 27, 2020

Quarantine Day 104......

No blog post today. Bad RA day. Just hurt most of the day. Nothing major. Tomorrow will be better.

Too hot and very high humidity. Awful. Lots of warnings last night. Nada here.

Photos are all old ones and some are edited. Nothing special.

003/2025 Fredag the 07th - Wandering & Capturing Moments

  Today's Name Day:   Camilla I was in school with a girl named Camille.  We knew each other but not friends.  She was a year older ...