Wednesday, July 29, 2020

The Plague, Day 136......

I had a dr app't today and lab but I cancelled. Just not up to it and too little sleep. Rested most of the day. I got sick after supper after supper last night. Better today.

Got fuel since I was on fumes only. And what a surprise, my grandson was in there! We had a nice visit. Maybe eat together on friday. I hope! I miss him. And he got to see my new car!

This afternoon I saw 6-7 turkey vultures on my large fuel tank. So lucky to see them. Must have been a coffee break. I got their photo!!

Finally. Lindsborg now is requiring masks inside any business or public building. But when eating can remove. If on the street and can distance each other, no mask. It is about time. Should have happened a long time ago.

Went to Jalisco's tonight. I did eat salsa and chips but opted for a hamburger and fries for supper. For a Mexican place, they make a great burger.

After supper JR and I drove west of town for cloud photos. Have storms moving in. Great photos.

I gave DG his last hypo tonight. Had something extra in it that hurt bad. I felt so guilty. His brother DV thanked me over and over. So nice to be appreciated. What a difference it makes in how I feel.

Took the boys longer to clean the restaurant up so I went to the Rosberg House and took flower photos. Heaven!! Post them tomorrow!! I played with 2 different apps. Next time will use my Pentax, my good camera!

Photos tonight are storm clouds.

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