Sunday, September 6, 2020

Sheltering in Place, Day 175....

Quieter day. Poor sleep last night. Too wound up after soccer. And I was too upset about my relative who is  ill. Frequent tears.

JR and I ate at Jalisco's. I won't be there again for several days. Got to visit with all the waiters. 

Kisse kept close to me and even came to me before supper for some snuggles. Hope Nico does not get mean to her when he is home. So possessive.

Saw 100F today. Same for tomorrow. Oh, but tuesday will be heaven!

Holiday weekend. But we have no family to celebrate with. We only had Mom and Dad. Long ago times. No friends to celebrate with. JR did not seem too anxious to go eat tomorrow so I will chill at home with Kisse.

Photos are mostly mine. A couple of edited photos of drawings that I did not draw. Some rainy Lindsborg photos, flowers.


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