Sunday, September 6, 2020

Sheltering in Place, Day 174....

What a day!!!  Soccer started at Bethany College. I picked up JR at 415. It was hot but with low humidity and a nice breeze. Not too bad. Women played first. And lost 2-3 in two overtimes. But they played very good. I think they are going to be great. Like the new coach.

We then went to eat at Jalisco's. We discussed 3 options and picked there. It was quiet and almost time to close. JS surprised me by saying hello. He had worked all day on a house he is helping build. Came to Jalisco's to cook his supper.

Back to the men's match. They played really well. But lost 2-1 in two overtimes. I got home at 1030. Exhausted!

Kisse must have missed me. She was watching for me out the window. Glad I fed her before I left!!!

Got such bad news tonight. A relative is positive for Covid 19. Dang. I just cannot lose her. Wish I lived closer so I could help. She said she does not feel well at all.

Today was around 98F. Tomorrow a bit warmer. On tuesday high in the 60s and lows in the 40s. Really??!! Oh, be still my beating heart!!!

Photos are from tonight. One is the cutest tiny pickle slice with a face I got at Jalisco's. Cute..... and I ate it!!! Also a photo of my custom made soccer bracelet for Bethany soccer.

Look at the moon tomorrow night. Or tonight if you are up. But first read my first photo here.

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