Thursday, September 10, 2020

Sheltering in Place, Mood Of Silence, Day 179....

Rain has stopped. But still cloudy and cool. We were in the 50s today. Love it. The future weather is no 90s. At last.

Could not sleep last night. Neither could Kisse. No idea what her problem was but my mind was in overdrive. No good thoughts and many tears. Better today.

Very quiet day. I was supposed to give JG his shot tonight but begged off. DV called and will do on sunday night.

No Swedish group for me tomorrow. Too emotional. And it is just not right. Missed my historical society as it was surgery night. I was hoping they would decide to meet in a larger room. Who knows. If it stays where it is, I will only be there for board meetings. I will leave before the program. No need to be in a tight room and not all wearing masks. I am careful for all.

Photos are just flowers.

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