Thursday, September 17, 2020

Sheltering in Place, Mood Of Silence, Day 186....

It was a mostly good day. Nice to be happy part of the day. The day started with a call from my financial advisor. He is one of the nicest men I have met. Always has time to chat about non money things. He makes me laugh. He is one of a kind. Lucky to know him.

Then I went to a hair app't. I got a cut and styled. Plus for the first time in 7 months, I got my hair colored. Seven long months. And great to see my stylist. Always. Great topics we talked about but have to whisper once in a while. Others do not agree with us!! They refuse to wear masks. The usual "no one is telling me what to do!" And I got a real hug when I left.

Speaking of hugs. One needs 12 hugs a day to survive, or survive well. When I worked as a nurse, one of the docs then said we needed 5 hugs a day to survive. I am many years behind. Many. Does explain to me how I feel inside, how I feel about myself. And much more. Won't change. Seems I always do without. But only affects me so who cares?

I treated myself to Arbys roast beef and an apple turnover for supper. I am weaning Nico off people food. He just got some beef. Sure beats my non cooking meals.

When I got home and turned into my driveway there in the ddle of it was a huge, huge turtle. A snapping turtle. I had to slam on my brakes. His head and tail were humongous.  I would not have gotten out of my car for any reason!

I think I am losing my sense of humor. You may see me smiling or even a laugh. But never lasts and I do not feel it. And all the funny things on FB just are stupid or I do not feel they are funny. I think the Covid 19 has stripped me of humor. And all the changes in my life are not fun or funny. Big changes for me when Willie died.

Photos today are from around Lindsborg.


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