Monday, November 23, 2020

Sheltering in Place, Mood Of Silence, Day 253....

 Had a typical day at home alone. Just me and the kids with little contact online or otherwise with anyone. I am sort of used to it. But I dislike it. Did email one good friend several times. Always good! Wish we could get together.

Last night we had snow then rain come in. Rained into the morning. Did not amount to much. Rain and/or snow tomorrow. And cold.

This morning was special. Kisse is not a cuddly cat. She kind of used to be when she was little but I think Nico speaks enough "cat" to have told her to leave me alone since he is jealous. Big baby!!! They play and wrestle and eat out of the same bowl. But he is still jealous. This morning she came on the bed and curled up next to me. He ignored. She stayed a while. Maybe a first. Hope it happens more often.

Outside this afternoon and I saw the most beautiful long haired black cat. It was stalking something. Was a smaller yellow cat. They fought until I was seen. That is exactly why Kisse never goes out. Dangerous things here.

Bought some summer sausage that I ususally love. Different brand. It is ok but it makes me so sick to my stomach. I will eat no more. Dang.

Lots of news about the new vaccines. I try to be hopeful but the reality is I am no one important or rich. I live in a state that is almost always forgotten and in a tiny town that is overlooked. How long do I have to wait to get a vaccine? There is a whole world in line ahead of me.

Photos today are altered. Some are mine, some are not. And one or two I just like as they are. Not mine.

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