Sunday, November 29, 2020

Sheltering in Place, Mood Of Silence, Day 259....

 Another quiet day except for the horrible winds. Luckily in my house I rarely heard it or felt it. Just outside and it is 31F and no wind. Grateful!!

Another night with little to no sleep. And with the changing weather I am a little stiff and sore. Nothing big.

I had a video chat with JS. Nice to see and hear him. And texted with my friend in Ireland, RW. He always makes me feel good. Wish  we could meet but such a long ways away. )-:

Cleaned a little tonight. Will have JR come out tomorrow afternoon and carry trash out to my bins.   He is too good to me.  I am sure I do not deserve it!!

Most of the photos are from a long ago ice storm and a couple of photos I just like.


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