Sunday, January 10, 2021

Sheltering in Place, Mood Of Silence, Day 300....

 A monumental day ---- 300 days in quarantine. That is 10 long months. Amazing. I am not in total quarantine. But I never go in any store anywhere. Groceries are delivered to my car. I order things from Amazon. Such is life. I do eat out but I am very careful where we go. And if they look busy we eat in the car. It is doing me no good not to be around people. I am getting more depressed every day. I need to quit whining. Only my problem.

Last night was not as cold as the night before. While out with Nico I saw eyes from out by my shed watching us. What was it?

JR and I had lunch at Jalisco's for lunch. Lots of take out orders. Nice to visit with MA and his wife, kids, and mother. Good to be around people.

JR came home with me to take my trash out. Missed last pick so trash had taken over the house. While trying to nap, Nico got a box that had shreddings in it. What a mess. He and Miss Kitty were having so much fun with them.

I was extra tired today. No reason. And both my shoulders and upper arms hurt all night. One is RA. The other from lifting a too heavy bag of dog food. JR had to move it to the kitchen.

Supposed be extra warm. where is my winter?

Photos are from my farmyard. Nothing special.

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