Monday, January 18, 2021

Sheltering in Place, Mood Of Silence, Day 308......

  I seemed to be up more with Nico last night, but probably just because went to bed earlier. Ended up not feeling too rested.

I had lunch with a friend who I had not seen in a long time. A great reunion. He had lots of news ---- new job, engaged, and bought a house. And I caught up on his mom and brother. We exchanged phone numbers so easier to keep in touch. Had good food and good conversation. After lunch I got a tour of his house. Very nice. I like it. We will do this again soon!

I went to Dollar General for groceries. And forgot something. Go back tomorrow.

Came home for my usual nap. Not tired. Could not sleep. That is odd. Nico curled up so I rested next him and caught up on FB.

I have not felt quite normal. In many ways I feel better but still feel strange. Thought maybe my blood sugar was screwy and it is perfect. But getting better is good.

Nice weather today. Slight breeze and warm. Cooler tomorrow, warmer Wednesday, then another cool down. Maybe chances for rain or snow. Ha! Not here. Will be close but usually misses here. I think next winter the kids and I need to relocate to parts north.

Several people I know got the vaccine today or tomorrow. Wish it was me. Scared of Covid. Scared of getting no shot.

Photos today are some I took and some I saved because I like them. Mine will be shown first.

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003/2025 Torsdag the 13th - Wandering & Capturing Moments

  Salemsborg Lutheran Church & cemetery.  Was looking for a grave I could not find.  There is also an outdoor pulpit that still is used ...