Tuesday, February 2, 2021

Sheltering in Place, Mood Of Silence, Day 323....

Had a good day. I set up an appointment for JS to look at a truck. So went in the middle of the afternoon. He liked it and he bought it. We took it on a spin. Nice truck.

I had therapy this afternoon. It went. Talked about current events in my life. And gave me some advice on an offer from a friend. And I have homework for next appointment.

After therapy I met up with a friend. She had a painting for another friend. So I delivered it. And he loved it!! Good. Wasn't her type or mine. It went to a good home.

JR and I had supper together. To make up for missing last Sunday lunch. Good to see him.

Weather was in the 50's. Tomorrow too. But super cold is coming this weekend and next week. Brrr.

Photos are more photos I took around town and on my farm. All in black and white.


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