Wednesday, March 31, 2021

Sheltering in Place, Mood Of Silence, Day 379....

 I had a fun day today. Slept good last night which helped.

I worked at the Old Mill. Went through 4-5 boxes of photos. Most had names. But if I knew something special about any of them I could note that info. I found some. I lifted up one photo and under it was a photo of a baby. It was my mom! Then my grand uncle's wedding photo and my grand- parent's wedding photo. And later a photo of my husband's uncle. Great fun!

Then JR and I ate at Jalisco's. MA was almost running. Busy in house and large take out orders. Good to see.

Later I felt something in my hair and JR made a request to take my photo. Then CA stopped to watch me. All that together I knew I felt JS in my hair. Yep. And have a photo for evidence.

I had ice cream with chocolate on it. When I was done I looked in the bowl and in 2 places the chocolate had formed a heart. A good omen? Sharing a photo of it.

It was a little cooler but nice. Dangerous winds tonight and tomorrow. I cut done some huge dead weeds. And need the wind to blow them, far away.

I was gone too long so of course Nico is a brat tonight. He is into everything. And Miss Kitty turned the TV off again.

Busy again tomorrow. Good.

Always be kind.

Photos are from today.

Tuesday, March 30, 2021

Sheltering in Place, Mood Of Silence, Day 378....

Had a good day. Fell asleep late but then slept good.

Had therapy today. What a nice experience to have great news to tell her. Not sure how or why things have changed. The two ladies who changed my life are not new in my life. What changed between us? I am so grateful. But still inside things are a little the same. Easy to feel depressed. Still feel on the outside almost all the time. I miss family and time with them. I miss friends to share time with. And that is what we discuss.

Had time for a quick nap. Nico liked that! Kitty stayed close also.

Then up and onward to Dillon's for groceries. Got all I need but no lunch meat. How could I forget?

Tonite I had Marie Callendar's Swedish meatballs over noodles. Needed lingon otherwise was good. I cheated and ordered Peeps! Well, it is Easter.

Easter does not seem like anything anymore. No singing Messiah. Only the best get to sing. Certainly not me!

The wind is still howling but from the north. Best wind. I feel nothing on the south of my house.

 Always be kind.

Photos are spring-type ones. The large white manor house is a castle in Sweden that was built by my 16th great grandfather. I have been there twice.

Monday, March 29, 2021

Sheltering in Place, Mood Of Silence, Day 377....

Sort of a quiet day. Slept good.

I had a meeting that I changed to later in the week. Thought I had a second meeting but is tomorrow. Duh. That changes my Tuesday but I will survive.

It is far too warm for me. Saw 83 F. House was ok. But back to gale force winds. I can barely open my front door. Truly awful. See one of my photos that appears to be a monster rearing its head! Had a huge old weed that broke off and blocked my west steps. I lifted it to my lawn chair and in 2 seconds the wind caught it never to be seen again.

Since I erroneously went to town I picked up a pizza for Nico and I. Neither of us complained!!

Added some cool files to my Remarkable 2 and have been adding info. Cool. I use it more every day.

Always be kind.

Photos are some took today. A cool colored calf, the burned hill from last nite, monster at the neighbours. Nothing special.

Sunday, March 28, 2021

Sheltering in Place, Mood Of Silence, Day 376....

I slept pretty well last night. Still took a nap. Now feeling good.

JR and I ate at Jalisco's. A much quieter day for them. Never saw MA ran one!

Weather was nice. Warm, no wind. Tomorrow will have very strong winds then we are in a fire watch. Great!

Soccer today. US first. We lost 2-1. Mexico now. Halftime, no score but one fight. Playing in Jalisco Mexico. Very hot there today. It is 90.

When I came home from town around 1pm. I saw friends starting a controlled fire. Good day for it. jUst outside now. The fire has burned up the large hill and is on my side. Very pretty in the night. Nephew said it will burn all night. Hope the wind stays quiet. Wish I had a good night time camera. I have one app for darkness. It was ok. While pretty, it does not smell good! And our herd of cattle are all here by the fence near my house. In my flashlight I see hundreds eye looking my way. They are eating.

 Always be kind.

Photos are some more art and the fire.

Saturday, March 27, 2021

Sheltering in Place, Mood Of Silence, Day 375....

 Not a bad day considering I only had 3 hours of sleep. No bueno. Even laying on the sofa did not help.

Worked from 1pm to 5pm at a local art show. It was fairly quiet. Had around 19 people come in. But still fun. I met a local artist I did not know. We had a nice chat. JR came in and took photos. I will post mine later.

In August there is an art show for people to display their own work. I took a photo today I really like. Maybe I will get brave. I rarely do though. Too many excellent photographers here.

I was so hungry after working that JR and I grabbed a fast supper at Jalisco's. I treated myself to Carne asada, steak. Mexicans do the best steak. When we got there it was kind of quiet. But that did not last. Soon every table was fall! Plus large boxes of take out orders. Good to see except MA needed to be 3 people!

When I got home I took a short nap. I want to be able to see SNL. Finally a new one.

What a difference this week has made. New volunteer position at the Old Mill and possibly where the art show was held. Nice to feel needed and doing something besides being home alone.

Always be kind.

Photos today are of some of the art.

Friday, March 26, 2021

Sheltering in Place, Mood Of Silence, Day 374....

 What an awesome day! I slept really good. Rare.

Today is Nico's 5th birthday. And I left him home too much!! But he got real hamburger twice and a bit of a cookie. I think all is forgiven.

This afternoon I was asked to work at the Old Mill Museum hoping that maybe I can recognize people in old photos. I loved it! I found pictures of my great great grand parents' parents. I have never seen them but JR said he had seen them. I might have to photograph more photos from my family. Wonder where they came from. I would have loved to have them and then share. I was never offered anything. Typical in my mom's family. Those who have will never share. I worked from 1-4.

Found two photos with last names I know. I sent them to friends with the same name. Cool. One answered right away. His grandma and my mom were friends. I was in school with his sister. Small world.

JR and I ate at Jalisco's. JS was our waiter. And full of orneriness. Lots of huge take out orders, but a lite on eat in orders. There were 2 girls in to eat. When they were done eating, they asked JS if they could just sit and talk. Without skipping a beat he just quietly shook his head no. He was joking. They laughed and so did l.

I forgot the most important news. I was asked if I wanted to come in to the Mill and do number of things. One day a week is perfect. I feel so good and even useful !

Always be kind.

Thunderstorms tonight. Light rain in town. Drove home with rain so hard I could hardly see to drive. More moving in now. Lightning and Thunder. My fave weather. Photos are from my drive home. The old car is at my neighbors. I want it!

003/2025 Fredag the 07th - Wandering & Capturing Moments

  Today's Name Day:   Camilla I was in school with a girl named Camille.  We knew each other but not friends.  She was a year older ...