Wednesday, June 16, 2021

Wandering Through Life 16 june 2021

       Always be kind. Wear a mask if needed. Avoid toxic people and situations.

    Too hot again. I saw 105F in my car. Luckily the humidity has been in the 20-3o% range. Getting worse every day. Cold front has been cancelled.

    Jalisco's newest cook is so fun! He sings all the time and loud! Fun! They should advertise a floor show and charge a to come in!

    The manager's son had no where to sit and eat supper. We had his booth! I told him he could sit with us and we promised not to bite. He made my night.

    Photos are a mix of new and old.

Used to be my wheat. Photo taken today. Looks almost ready to cut.

Old harvest photo I edited.

Pictures I edited. The wheat was mine and the flowers were online drawings.

Post card of the Old Mill I edited.

A friend had a salt water fish tank. A photo I took.

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