Thursday, September 30, 2021

Wandering, 30 September 2021

    I had an ok day.  Got my hair cut and styled.  In a month I will actually get my hair colored!!  Long overdue.  I am lucky my hair grows out pretty good.  Always good to see HP.  Nice to have someone who makes me feel good about myself.

    Nice weather and some people got rain.  But not here.  I saw lightning.  I heard thunder.  But very little rain.  And the forecast has really lowered the amount of rain we will get.  And none for next week.  They took our rain chances out for then.  But pretty cool.  As long as there is no more hot days  I will be satisfied.

    Constant pain continues.  Gets so old.

    There are 2 events coming up and I have decided to not go to either.  I doubt I will be missed at either.  If I was going to be missed, the people at the one would be friends with me and they are not.  Friendly but not true friends.  Maybe when my depression is better.  At least I hope it gets better!

    Photos are autumn themed.



Wednesday, September 29, 2021

Wandering, 29 September 2021

    Today was a work day.  Always a good day!  We lost some things I had done earlier when our server broke down.  So I am redoing some photos.  I keep checking to make sure I do not double up.  I am getting close though.  

    Our weather is good.  Not hot today.  Had a rainstorm around 6am.  Outside when I saw flashing lights.  But then I heard thunder.  We had a brief hard rain and then it moved on.  This afternoon on my way home to take Nico out to potty I drove through some heavy rain.  It was wet at home.  Now rain to the west.  Supposed to come this way during the night and tomorrow all day.

    Had supper at Jalisco's with JR and PM.  I thought I was hungry but I was not.  I brought some home so Nico got some chicken for supper.  I need to get brave and have surgery but really do not want surgery.  Give me time.  It was slow for a while then the customers increased.

    My cousin and great friend signed me up for some RA information.  I got an email about it today.  Wow.  I already feel better about myself.  It explained why I am so fatigued.  And how to work around it.  And having depression does not help.  Nice to read that I am not lazy  but overwhelmed with pain, stiffness, depression.  Although I have always been a bit lazy!! (-:  Told me how to include some gentle exercises.  I just saved a couple that are gentle and easy to do.  With my knees laying on the floor or to be on my hands and knees is impossible.  Too much pain.  These just have you sit or stand.  Will start tomorrow.

    My sparrows are all mixed up.  The male is gone or not under my carport.  A smaller one moved over to take his place.  Now another smaller one is in number 2's original place.  The female is still there.  And in the rain this afternoon I had one turkey vulture sitting atop my yard light.

    I updated my laptop yesterday.  And it actually worked!!!  What a shock.  Then I updated my phone with a new operating system.  That took forever.  Thought I was going to stay up all night!  But so far so good.

    Just a few photos all from this afternoon.  Not many..  The truck was at our pharmacy.  I had to take a couple.  Love the truck and the dog.




Tuesday, September 28, 2021

Wandering, 28 September 2021

      I am so glad with the weather report for this week.  I sure hope they are not wrong.  It was over 91F again today and quite windy.  They said THIS most likely our last hot day this year not yeseterday.  I sure hope so!!  Rain in a day or so.  It is badly needed.

    Home alone again today.  I feel ok but my fatigue is worse.  And new pains.  I do not need any new pains.  I had adapted to the old ones.

    Not much to say.  Photos are part mine and some are edited by me.  Sort of autumn photos.  Waiting for the leaves to change color!


Monday, September 27, 2021

Wandering, 27 September 2021

     I am so glad with the weather report for this week.  I sure hope they are not wrong.  It was over 91F again today and quite windy.  They said this most likely our last hot day this year.  I sure hope so!!

    I finally feel better.  My head is clear and no more nausea.  And I slept without a lot of drugs.  Just my CBD gummies.  But my pain never goes away.  It may move around and get worse or less but I never have a pain free day.  That would be asking too much.

    Home alone again.  Nico wanted to sit outside once.  We made it for a while but not long.  Too hot.  Even he was ready to go in.

    My photos are mostly old ones.  The hill was taken this afternoon.  The tree with leaves turning is a year old but I have seen one tree in town that was just starting to turn.  Nice.  There used to be some incredible trees in the autumn in town but rarely now.  One got sick and is gone.  Another one is still there but never as bright as it was several years ago.  There is one block where a line of trees by the curb are awesome.  All were planted by one man.  Need more like him.


Sunday, September 26, 2021

Wandering, 26 September 2021

     I am so glad that the national daughter day is over.  I felt sick all weekend and that was almost just too much for me.  I tried to ignore but every post was about it.  I used to have a beautiful daughter but no more.  She and my son wish I was dead.  Sent a letter to tell me.  I am no longer a mother.  Their loss but yesterday was beyond painful.  Am glad for everyone else.

    I was not sure I would make it out to eat today.  I did but felt so awful.  I think I have a touch of food poisoning.  Much better tonight but friday and saturday was not fun.  I managed half my dinner and all of my ice cream.

    I told my brother my neuropathy in my feet is a bit worse.  My brother knows nothing about it and god forbid one's doctor can give you guidelines of what to do besides keeping your blood sugar good.  My brother looked up so much for me. Caffeine is bad among other things.  Sooo.  No more wild cherry Pepsi.  All root beer is good.  There is a Mexican brand of sodas and all the flavored ones are caffeine free.  I had strawberry today.  Tasty.  Guess I will survive.

    Lots of nature today.  A squirrel in my yard was furious at something.  Very loud!  No idea what.  The ditches on the way to town are full of goldenrod and sunflowers.  And I had one lonely turkey vulture soaring on our high winds.  Lindsborg still has quite a few.

    Weather was 97F with wind in the 20s to 30s.  One of my photos shows the result here.  Rain starts tuesday or wednesday and cooler temps.  Yay!

    Photos are from today and in the past.


Saturday, September 25, 2021

Wandering, 25 September 2021

      Got down to 42F last night.  Awesome.  I still have an extra blanket on my bed but no socks.  Perfect.  Much warmer tomorrow then cooler in a day or so.  They say lots of rain this week.  Believe it when I see it.

    I started feeling sick last night.  Hope just something I ate, but still feel sick today and tonight.  Great.  Not.  Did not sleep well but slept this afternoon.  Hope I can go out to eat tomorrow.  Hope.

    Home alone all day.  Never a good day.  But could be worse.  Nico drove me crazy last night.  No weather change then.  Today he is better.  The house was a bit chilly after how cold it was last night.  I laid down on my sofa for my nap but no fur kids anywhere near.  I finally decided to go lay in bed to be warmer. Nico was laying in the sun in the window.  Kisse was near.  So we all stayed there.

    Photos today are all taken by me in the past.  And they all are black and white.




Friday, September 24, 2021

Wandering, 24 September 2021

      Not a bad day.  Got down to low 50s last night.  Awesome.  I still have an extra blanket on my bed but no socks.  Perfect.  Same for tonight.  Then a warming will start before another cold front.  Rain forecast for the middle of next week.

    I tried to sit outside with Nico.  Dang.  No breeze but mosquitos.  Inside quickly.

    Unable to sleep last night and JR found some meditation songs on youtube. I selected a 4 hour thunderstorm.  That put me to sleep.  Try again tonight.

    Did not feel good this afternoon but went to Jalisco's with JR.  JS and NM gave me lots of attention.  And laughs.  Helped how I feel. 

    Out of the blue a bus load of people came in for supper.  A huge bus!! They were from San Antonio TX.  Bus driver took a wrong turn and so they drove through a scenic Kansas drive.  The help did extra good.  I talked with one lady and encouraged them to come back  She had been to my town before.  Nice to hear!

    In town I saw turkey vultures but none here.  In my ditch in front of my house there is a huge area of goldenrod growing.  This afternoon it was covered with yellow butterflies.  I tried to get a photo with many but only managed 3 in it.  We rarely monarchs here. Wish we had more.

    Photos are mostly from today.  The sunset is from a couple of years ago. The bus is the Texas bus.


Thursday, September 23, 2021

Wandering, 23 September 2021

     Not a bad day.  Got down to low 50s last night.  Awesome.  I still have an extra blanket on my bed and wore socks.  Perfect.  Same for tonight.  Then a warming will start before another cold front.  Rain forecast for the middle of next week.

    Feeling sort of OK.  "Asi-asi".  Calmer and slept well.  Been taking 3 CBD gummies.  Working so far.  Used to take 2 but 3 is better.  Even Nico is sleeping better instead of dragging me out every 2 hours.

    Home alone.  Never good for me but too depressed to get motivated to go anywhere.  Hope to change my med and hope that helps.  Plus my RA pains are much worse.  I try not to say anything when out as everyone has their own aches and pains.  Mine are insignificant.

    Middle of the night I got a text on my iphone that there was movement by my shelter.  Yep.  There was a raccoon walking by it.  I am sure he had been on our porch.  They have to check just in case there is food there.  They never forget.

    I noticed all the barn or field sparrows that were in my pasture are now gone.  And I have not seen my turkey vultures either.  My winter birds are not here yet.  They come in october.

    My car is making an abnormal sound and I called my nephew.  He will come look at it tomorrow.  Hope it is nothing to worry about.

    A mix of photos today.  All but the last 2 taken by me.


003/2025 Fredag the 07th - Wandering & Capturing Moments

  Today's Name Day:   Camilla I was in school with a girl named Camille.  We knew each other but not friends.  She was a year older ...