Thursday, September 16, 2021

Wandering Through Life, 16 September 2021

    Just a quiet day.  A bit warm but not bad.  Feeling more like autumn.  Two cold fronts coming with chances of rain and much cooler weather.  I even heard snow east of Denver.  I am packing for a road trip!!! How I wish! The Maine Cabin Masters episode I have on now it is snowing with more to come.  Wish I was there too.  Actually anytime of the year would be awesome.

    I had plans for today but due to things beyond my control the day was cancelled.  No big deal.  Another day.

    Nico has not coughed or wheezed or whatever he does.

    Downloaded a new app and played with it.  Might be a good one to keep.  Lots of options.  Looking for one that makes me look 20 again!!

    I am unable to download photos my usual way.  No idea why.  These are super old photos.  Sheesh.



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