Monday, November 8, 2021

Wandering, 08 november 2021

    Great weather today.  Warm with a slight breeze.  No gale force winds for a change!  No clouds.  Nico and I sat out for a while.  But the flies were crazy.  And some tiny black bug bit my arm.  It hurt and then itched.  I hate bugs.  I notice I saw no grasshoppers today.  Good.

    Tomorrow should be about 10 degrees cooler.  Then cooler yet on wednesday and a chance of up to an inch of rain.  We can hope.  No snow.  Saturday is forecast for a hard freeze!

    A list of Covid infections have been posted.  Not good.  One church in town.  My church had 2 people who came while infected.  Don't go out if infected. Duh.  The next county to us hospitalizations are up around 30 per cent.  I am continually amazed how many people never put a mask on.  I always wear mine when in town.  IF everyone had been vaccinated we would be almost out of this by now.  Won't happen anytime soon.  Always amazes me what people will believe.  Too gullible.

    Photos are some older ones.  All taken by me except the cool tunnel one.  A friend took it Sweden.  My favorite is the windmill and the old abandoned building.  Love the contrast of old and new.  Taken near Concordia.


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003/2025 Söndag the 09th - Wandering & Capturing Moments

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