Thursday, November 18, 2021

Wandering, 18 november 2021

    Just a day of nothing.  Usual for being home alone.  Last night my friend who moved far away called me and we talked for around 2 hours, just like normal.  The best!

    Last night the cold front did not fail to impress! My low on my porch was 20'F.  Yikes.  Thankfully we had no wind.  There is a private weather station just to the east of me.  His temperature is always about the same as my porch.  But I checked once in the middle of the night and his temp had soared to 140F.  I hope no one was hurt!! Then the next time I checked it was back to 20F.

    On the CBS news tonight they said Covid has grown by 35%.  And yet too many are ignorant about getting their shots, wearing masks, washing hands, staying distant.  On the busiest of time at Jalisco's I will see only a couple who come in with masks on.  Things will only get worse.  I would like to eat out for Thanksgiving but may decide not to.  We can buy food to eat in JR's office.

    Animals are so weird.  Nico has started a strange action when I am getting my supper ready.  He goes and lays in the hallway about half way down and watches me.  When I get up and head for the sofa, then he goes to the sofa.  What is the point of this?

    I find it very frustrating to send a text to someone and then they either don't read it or they read and have no comment.  I never do that.  Maybe not as important as I think I am or want to be.  I have let it sit for days and it is far out of date with anything.  I finally delete it.  No idea if that shows on their side.

    I treated myself to a couple of small things.  I got some wax shapes for a tea light burner.  They all smell so good!  And today a jar of potpourri came with a spray bottle of scent for it.  Delightful.  I have no one who buys me anything except at Christmas and birthday, maybe.  The lady who made this jar has a subscription program also.  I will check it out.

    I took no photos today so they are all old ones.  Nothing special.  And one of my jar.  The cat on the step is a feral cat in town.  It is always near the abandoned church.  Many people take care of our feral cats.  They have a program to catch, sterilize and release our feral cats.  The sunflower is not mine.  Kisse is in her box she likes.  I keep planning to throw it out and then she crawls in it.  It can stay a little longer.  The one of Nico outside staring down one of my nephew's cows.  They saw each other and just glared at each other!  And she kept walking closer!  The one of Nico and Kisse together on my bed keeping warm this morning.



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003/2025 Söndag the 09th - Wandering & Capturing Moments

  They were near my house this afternoon.  You can see the first one was giving me the once or twice over!! 😃 Today's Name Day:   Torbj...