Saturday, December 25, 2021

Wandering, 25 december 2021

    Today is a much better day!  No whining!  By last night both knees hurt a lot.  I slathered on a large amount of arthritis cream and it helped.  I took some Tylenol at bedtime.  It usually does not help with inflamation but it did help the pain.  I slept well and woke up with just my normal pain.

    My grandson CF from Oklahoma stopped after lunch. With his dog Princess.  Nice weather so we sat outside and Nico could bark to his heart's content at company but we could talk.  Nico was in the house.  It was the best to see CF.  And he surprised me with a Christmas gift.  Totally unexpected.  Bless him.  We had a great visit.

    After they left I took Nico outside.  What a mess!!!  He just went from one place to another sniffing where the intruder had walked.  Finally tonight it is better!

    I picked JR up at 5pm and we went to Salina for supper.  We were sure this one restaurant was open on Christmas Day.  It used to be.   It was dark.  So I drove back to the Iron Skillet.  They were open.  Great.  I got an omelet, hash browns, and a biscuit.  Very good.  Not a fancy Christmas dinner but good and in good company.  They got quite busy.  Not everyone has a houseful of family.

    After we ate we drove around Salina taking photos of Christmas lights.  Started with the Stieful Theatre.  Then went up on the "The Hill" where the elite live!  Lots of lovely homes and lights.  After that a place called Red Fox Lane.  The lights there are breathtaking.  My favorite place.  We ended up in Lindsborg at Emerald Lake.  A good night for me.

    Home with the kids.  I feel guilty leaving them on a holiday but they survived.  And were glad to see me.

    Photos are of my dinner and some lights we saw.




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003/2025 Lördag the 08th - Wandering & Capturing Moments

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