Monday, February 28, 2022

Wandering, 28 february 2022

    Another challenging day.  My furnace quit working that I wrote about yesterday.  I made the executive decision to sleep in bed with no heat.  I was comfy in bed but when I got up it was pretty awful.  It was in the 50s this morning.  That is too cold.  We all moved to the living room and turned the room heater on.  After our nap it was up to 72F in the living room.  Tonight we sleep on the sofa. 

    I tried all day to get ahold of my furnace guy.  Three calls and no answer.  I feared he was ill and I did not know.  But around supper he called and admitted he was exhausted!  He almost always answers when I call but not today.  So he was very busy.  He will be here tomorrow after lunch.  That gives me time to round the fur kids up so they won't escape as he works.  There are 2 problems.  The furnace will come on and then quit.  He knows what that is.  Sounds not too bad.  The AC is always on.  I thought that was how it should be.  KN cut the electricity to it weeks ago.  Will need it this week.  Almost 80F.  Awful.

    I sat outside while Cinder ate and the black cat sat a ways away and watched.  Maybe she will accept me sometime.

    Now if Nico would just chill outside.  Mercy he is a mess.  Cinder has learned when I say the dog is coming she gets off the porch.  She would be fine if he would not bark and chase.

    According to the weather, today is the official day winter ends.  What winter?  Not where I live.  South of me had winter as did the west and north.  We got nada.  There were at least 30 days of 60F or more this ^winter^.  I hardly dare to ask how our wheat is doing.  Cannot be good.  Really glad I sold all my wheat ground.

    Tonight the prairie was peaceful, except for Nico.  It was getting dark and the cattle were near and quiet.  Even with me yelling at Nico!!  I saw several flocks of birds in different places and I spied one crow.  I rarely see them.  I hear them but do not see them.

    Had a raccoon on the porch last night and the night before.  Looking for food.  Cats eat it all.  But they still look, just in case.  A couple of things had moved but nothing was hurt.

    There is a map where you can look up your country and the ones around you how Covid is.  My county is low risk for Covid.  But the one north is worse.  So in my town I may not wear a mask but if I go to Salina it goes back on.

    I always listen/read what is going on in the Ukraine.  I have the highest respect for Ukraine's president and his family.  My state Kansas's state flower is the sunflower. Ukraine's country flower is the sunflower.  I cannot do much but I will start posting photos of sunflowers often.  Most people I am connected to on FB never read or comment or like what I post so I just do what I want and what I like.

    Photos are just a mix of photos I have saved.  The large white building is a castle in Sweden named Vanås.  Was once in my family several hundred years ago!



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003/2025 Lördag the 08th - Wandering & Capturing Moments

  Today's Name Day:   Saga, Siv     Had a great day today.  I had extra photos to do today.  Someone left her family photos.  Many had n...