Monday, March 21, 2022

Wandering, 21 march, 2022

    I had a quiet day.  Slept good last night although it started with Nico barking and Kisse wanting attention.  I finally took Nico outside.  I think he wanted a treat but it is bedtime.  Nope.  Bedtime.  I took a pill to sleep and we all went to sleep.  Can they absorb my meds through the air??  Whatever, it was nice.

    I had an invitation to visit a friend while he worked but he totally spaced it out and I had decided the weather was upsetting my RA too much and just stayed home.  Maybe next monday.

    We have had some rain today.  Not much I am sure.  Tonight it is to rain then snow all night.  Be nice.  We need moisture desperately.

    This morning before the rain I looked outside.  The pond was calm as were the prairie grasses.  But there were 2 little calves running and playing around the pond.  They are adorable!  Once the rain started all the cattle were gone back home.  Not much else going on out there.

    Today would have been my mother's 101st birthday.  I sure miss her and need her now.  But even if she was alive she could not help me.  Makes me sad.

    Photos are just some local ones.  Several are from the White Peacock coffee shop.  I miss going there. But now I have no one to go with and chat with.  Guess I should just go alone and bring my iPad.  Who needs people??



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003/2025 Söndag the 09th - Wandering & Capturing Moments

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