Finally it got cool!!! Went to bed & the house was at 82F. Got up this morning the house was 66. The cold felt good. I heard we had snow around 8am but I was asleep. Been great today. Cool & calm winds.
Bad storm last night. Super high winds, rain and hail. My hail was maybe pea sized. Forgot to look at my rain gauge. Wish it had rained all night. At one pointed something hit my roof. Extremely loud & heavy sounding.
Last night I called my friend MC & he was here this morning. He roofed our house when it was done last. I think he said that the shingles are from the carport. Great!! And I showed him a tree that needs to be cut down since it is dead. And any wind showers my yard with branches. Scary.
As the house cooled down I sure slept good. So did the fur kids. We were all sick of the heat.
I worked today. I got there & my boss had other work for me to do. They have a festival in May called Mill Fest. The Old Mill is a real old mill. My father's step father worked there & so did my dad. It has been completely restored. They used to grind some wheat to sell at Mill Fest but do not any more. Too much of a mess to clean up. And there is an age limit of who can go in. It is extremely dangerous. All the open areas with moving parts.
They have people come to talk about old timey things. They have people talking about or showing: rope making, dancing, harps, sewing, tour of the mill, buffalo, the old school, & more. My boss has a huge poster of all the times, schools, & presenter. She read through all the times & who was to be where. Then she read each presenter & when they had a class. We had to switch some things around to give some a break. Took up my entire shift. And I enjoyed it. Hope I can help next year. Some schools only have one group. Others had more, like one school had 4 groups.
JR & PM met me for supper at Jalisco's. Had a good supper. We talked about so many people and activities from the past. What laughs. I enjoyed it so much.
This has been a good week. Time with grandson & family, my friend from NY, work, & supper tonight. I love Jalisco's they all are friendly to me. When any of them walk up front from the kitchen they smile & wave. It has been a great week with no time to feel alone & sorry for my self. Next week I have to get used to being mostly alone again. Does not seem fair to me. Why am I always the one on the outside looking in? I hate the loneliness.
At noon I was on the front porch & I saw the turkey vultures soaring overhead. And they landed on our old shed roof. I counted 7 of them. Wow!!! Seven!!! And no phone. If I had went for it they would have been gone. They were great & fun to see.
When I got home & a little calf was in my driveway. I sat & watched him. He went to one side of the drive to a cow. Then he went to the other side to another cow. Sooooo? Who was Mom!? I have a photo collage of them.
Had cattle trucks here all afternoon. They are either bringing more cows or moving some out. I am sure out. I hate when they all leave.
Photos are from sites around the Old Mill & around town.
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