Monday, April 18, 2022

18 april, 2022 Wandering

    Writing early today.  Not a lot to say.  Home alone again.  The weather is nice.  Got fairly cold last night.  I like that.  Good sleeping weather.  We did not freeze like they forecast.  It was close but no cigar!

    I slept so-so.  For a change Nico did not hog the bed.  But he was under the covers most of the night.  I had the heat turned very low.  Wanting to save propane.

    This morning & noon the cattle were all by my driveway.  Many calves.  Nice to see.  My nephew was cruising in his 4 wheeler in the pasture checking cattle.  He was not alone.  I could not see exactly who was with him but they saw me and there were a lot of hands waving at me!  Nice moment!!

    I sat outside for a while & took some photos.  Nico got some fresh air.  I am sure Cinder was watching.  My photos today are what I took today.

    On the news is that Covid's latest is rising in Philidelphia.  That is scary.  Masks are being suggeseted again.  And one man who has a restaurant is not happy.  Worried about his business.  What is more important ---- someone's life or a business?  I am watching.  If you upgrade to premium The Weather Channel they have added a place to watch for Covid.  It goes by county.  Just tap on the county you want to check.  So far it is quiet here in Kansas.  But people will see me in a mask when that changes.

    My eczema is increasing.  I swear I itch in many more places.  My palms are the worst.  Frustrating.

    Photos are from my yard except the collage one & the stay safe one.  They are older.  And the one I created today is my sunflower photo of the day.  Some of the macro shots are very soft looking, almost blurry.  Used a different app.  The best I have are the camera that came with my iPhone & the Halide camera.


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003/2025 Söndag the 09th - Wandering & Capturing Moments

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