Tuesday, April 19, 2022

19 april, 2022 Wandering

    Sort of a boring day.  Just at home.  I slept poorly last night.  I tried sleeping on the sofa & that did not help.  I took my pain killing cream with lots of peppermint oil in it.  For some reason that relaxes me.  That baffles me.  But it works.  Nico was part of the problem but not all.  All are quiet today.

    Stayed in the 50s today.  Better than the coming friday. Will be almost 90.  Great.  Still no AC.  Not happy.

    The breeze was calm until this afternoon.  No cattle here early but late morning & early afternoon they filled the pasture.  Just relaxing to sit & watch.  Nico and I spent some time outside.  This afternoon we had strong winds.  Knocked over one trash bin.  Nothing in it so I do not care until I have trash to put there.  Then I will move both of them where they are more stable.

    The fur kids & I took nice naps.  No one moved.  Nico did but only to be under my blanket.  We kept warm.

    Planes have been flying at the bomb range for 2 days.  Wednesday used to be the big flying & bombing day.  Seems like now any day is ok.  Years ago they flew over our farm but then more land was bought to the west so now they do not fly over here.  That is good.  And many years go they would sometimes break the sound barrier.  Not good.  My house would shake & my small kids would wake from their naps.  Then that was outlawed.  Good.

    Photos today were taken in the past.  The first photo is a painting by an artist friend.  Love her work.


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