Tuesday, May 31, 2022

31 may, 2022 Wandering

    OMG!!! What a night!!  There was severe weather near us but kept moving away.  But finally it grew & expanded about the time I went to bed.  I cannot remember such rain!!  A few days ago I had almost 5 inches of rain but that was over 2 days.  Last night I had 4 inches within a few hours.  My bedroom window looked like there was someone on the roof with a water hose going full blast.  Just a sheet of water, no drops of rain to be seen.  Lots of lightning and thunder.  Plus on time period of strong winds.

    My nephew worked on the pond south of my driveway.  I assumed that it would no longer overflow & flood my driveway.  Was I ever wrong!!  When I left the house this afternoon I could see the drive was under lots of water at one point.  The mud shows up before getting to the area where the water flows under my drive & on the other side.  The mud showed how deep it was.  Scary.

    The road I take to Lindsborg is called Burma Road.  There were signs in 2 areas that it was flooded.  Two areas I have never seen flood before.  There were photos on FB today.

    I doubt we get rain tonight.  Severe weather south of here moving NE.  But one never knows.  Supposed to have rain tomorrow.  I will debate if I go to work or not if it is too much.  I might get to work but maybe not get home.  Just cannot leave the kids without food or water.

    My grandson, CF, & I texted last night and decided to meet for supper tonight.  He has moved back here from Oklahoma.  He is doing landscaping work now.  We had a nice meal & visit.  Jalisco's is so nice to go to.  Everyone calls you by name and asks how you are.  CT aways has to shake my hand when I get there and a fist bump when I leave.  JS always has to tease me.  And if I am lucky, a long chat.   Had a chat with MA tonight.  Always good.  We talked about the Tequila Train in Mexico.  A dream of mine!!

    After leaving Nico alone this afternoon he is dead to the world.  Odd.  Wonder what they were doing while I was gone!? 

    Photos are some internet photos that I like.  They showed up in my FB memories.


Monday, May 30, 2022

30 may, 2022 Wandering

    A quiet day.  Lots of family on my mind.  Some good thoughts, some not so good.  Some family I miss dearly & some I am still terrified of.  We used to go to Mom's for sloppy joes or BBQ burgers, potato salad, & pie.  Nothing fancy but I sure miss those times.  In my FB memories I saw some posts that people I no longer chat with had commented on.  That made me sad.  One was a distant relative who is now gone.  She was a sweetie.  Life changes whether we want it to or not.

    Not much happened today.  Strong winds again.  They kept changing the time when they would quit. But I think it is less now.  Strong storms are building up but south and east of here.  But later we have strong storms forecast.  And tomorrow.  And wednesday.  And colder.  That is good as is the rain.

    I swore I had flowers left over from last year but I was wrong.  No flowers to put on graves.  I have ordered some & will make the graves look good.  Many have permanent vases.  I put a head stone on my mom's twin sister who was born dead.  No one had ever marked it.  Mom & I had a relative who promised to do it if we gave him something.  He failed but I did not.  We waited years.  I found a nice vase with a heart on it & a cross over the heart.  Will be nice.  A shame she was forgotten for so many years.

    I slept last night without pain.  Finally!  It was nice.  I was lazy today.  Like every other day.

    Photos today are a mix of things.  I added some family photos.  Two are the 3 most important women in my life after my grandmother.  And one of my parents.  The 3 women are my Aunt Thelma, Aunt Marth, & Mom.  Mom was the oldest.  Well her twin was.  The were born on different days around midnight.  I miss them so much.  Aunt Marth & I had tv shows we both watched.  As soon as they were over she & I were rapidly emailing each other comparing what we had seen & what we thought!  Fun times!  The white flowers is a photo my grandson took  I borrowed it.




Sunday, May 29, 2022

29 may, 2022 Wandering

    Here we are again in a wind warning.  We do have winds here in Kansas but this year is totally unusual.  And tiring.  Today was pretty warm also & humid.  I saw 91F outside.  The humidity outside is 46% but inside my house it is 50%.  Icky.

    JR & I had lunch at Jalisco's.  They were very busy again.  Good to see.  JS & CT were in good moods.  And MS from the kitchen came out to say hello.

    We went to the cemetery after lunch.  I had a new little statue to put on Dad's grave.  I thought I had flowers in a box in my trunk but there are none.  I feel bad.  And with the awful winds we have had some of the old flowers were ripped off down to the vase.  I will order some this week.  I got photos of the flags that are up & my husbands grave.  Our nephew always visits at Memorial Day & leaves a bouquet of wheat.  And there is usually a can of beer on his grave.  I think that is from his best friend.

    Last night was the night from hell for me.  I could not get comfortable in any position.  My back & leg were very sore.  I applied a variety of ointments that mostly did no good.  Towards morning I finally fell asleep.  I was ok today until I tried to take a nap.  I finally gave up.

    Surprised my eyes have been blurry for weeks.  Today they are pretty clear.  Maybe the humidity helps them!!

    Photos.  The cattle were in a pasture next to the cemetery where my husband is.  The last photo is his grave.  The cemetery with all the flags is the one in Lindsborg.  I added some flower photos I took.  Love the black eyed Susans!!



Saturday, May 28, 2022

28 may, 2022 Wandering

    Had a quiet day.  I needed that.  Last night was beyond stressful due to a family/friend incident.  Resolved itself.  But it took its toll on me.

    It is really difficult to live alone when things are really stressful.  I do not want to bother anyone so I keep it all in.  Not healthy but I feel that is how it should be.  Kept me awake last night.

    Did not sleep much last night so truly needed a nap.  Feel better now.  Got up to wash my hair.  See how it looks tomorrow.  Always a crap shoot!!!  I never know about it!

    We are in a wind warning again.  Strong winds through tomorrow.  Great.  Chance of severe weather on monday.

    Last night when I went outside with Nico before going to bed I thought I saw lightning to the SW of my farm.  Nothing was forecast except the far west.  Checked the radar & there were storms there.  So we had some thunder & lighting & rain.  Not checked how much yet.

    A boring day.  But needed that a boring day to just relax.

    Photos are all pink flowers or something pink.



Friday, May 27, 2022

27 may, 2022 Wandering

    Today was a good day but did not turn out like I wanted.  Not a bad day though.

    Perfect weather.  Had neither heat or AC on.  Perfect.  And I slept in bed.  My back is achy after the other nite on the sofa.

    Driving down the driveway I noticed that there was water that flowed over my drive.  The gravel had moved a lot.  I think all the cattle in my south pasture are now on summer pasture.  I had 4 bulls in the pasture north of my driveway & I forgot to check to see if they are there or gone.

    JR & I decided to drive to Salina for their Cruise Santa Fe.  That is the main street through town.  All these old old cars come & they drive up & down the street.  Two years ago we joined the parade in my new car.  It was fun.  Took tons of photos.  But this year there was no one there.  We drove by where they started & there were maybe 5 old cars parked there.  Later we drove by again & maybe 5 more cars were there.  So disappointing but with the price of fuel not surprising.  Here it is $4.19.  Takes me over $50 when I fill on empty.  Plus it is a fund raiser for some great places but on top of that much fuel would be tough.

    We did drive around.  Had read of some murals painted on the back of some buildings that face Santa Fe.  Wow!  They were wonderful.  Go back on a sunday to take photos.  No place to park.

    We wanted to go to the Olive Garden for supper.  Parking lot was full.  I had my heart set on a soup they serve.  Another night.  Ended up at Big Cheese.  The best pizza anywhere.   Sooo good.

    On the way to Salina in a tiny town called Bridgeport the one side of an old barn has huge sunflowers painted on it.  Need to find a place to park for a photo of it.  Really nice.

    We gave up Jalisco's for Salina tonight.  I texted JS & he did not seem upset at all.  Well, I did not want him to worry.  But sometimes he does worry so just in case.

    Had one turkey vulture in my back yard.  Night before last when I got home he was sitting out in the rain.

    Cinder has started coming to get loving when Nico is outside.  She walks over to me on the railing so we can be close.  Sweet kitty.

    Photos tonight are all Kansas wildflowers.  I took all the photos.  Need to start driving home on the back roads to see what is blooming.



Thursday, May 26, 2022

26 may, 2022 Wandering

    The rain continued most of the night & had stopped by this morning.  I just emptied my rain gauge & I had almost 5" of rain.  Unbelievable!!  And the pond near my driveway is completely filled up to the top.  Looks awesome!  This rain will help the fall crops but too late for our wheat.  Might just make harvest a bit more difficult.

    My house just could not warm up last night.  I think the strong wind we had was the cause.  Finally this morning the house got warm & I turned the heater off.  The fur kids & I slept in the living room.  My back is a bit sore but at least we were warm.  Back to bed tonight. Saturday is supposed to be 85F here.  Too hot.  I will stay inside.

    Last night I had an awful experience.  Nico somehow got his leash caught in my porch railing.  Not sure how that happened.  But I had to go down and no way to untangle him without unhooking his leash.  Sooooo, I unhooked it & held on to his collar with one hand.  The tone of my voice must have relayed that if he moved he was in deep doo doo.  With my other hand I got the leash unstuck.  Then I rehooked it back to his collar.  Whew!

    Sat outside for a while.  Nice light breeze.  No bugs --- that is a surprise here.  I hate all the bugs we have here.  I keep bug repellant by my front door.  Hate the smell but no choice.

    My grandson works in a local retirement home.  Yesterday he sent me a photo of himself with gloves and mask on.  I had horrible thoughts!!  But the inspectors were coming for an inspection.  Whew.  I thought someone was maybe ill with Covid.  I always have a mask or two near in my car.  I read where it will be back this autumn or winter.

    My other grandson has plans to move back here I think.  Would be nice to have him close & see him often.

    Had a quiet day & felt lazy.  Tomorrow will be different.

    Photos are ones I took & edited.



Wednesday, May 25, 2022

25 may, 2022 Wandering

    Believe it or not, it is still raining!!  Quit raining during the night but started again this morning.  And has not quit yet.  Earlier today my rain gauge was half full.  Too dark to see now.  Not a light rain.  Needed my wipers going pretty fast!!!  This is wonderful.  Except for the weather girl from California who wants the 98F day to hurry & get here.

    Today I worked at the Old Mill.  I was supposed to run the upstairs office as my boss expected to be busy.  But the rain put a damper on that.  So I went back to the basement & did about 4 school districts before I was done.  Small districts.  Love the old photos.  One had a horse & buggy in it.  Had a good day.

    Then home to get Nico outside.  Cinder was close.  I gave her a treat before going back for supper.  The rain was a bit lighter while home.

    Picked up JR to eat at Jalisco's.  PM joined us.  And they got extremely busy.  When we walked in there was a long table filled with food & booth table filled with food.  The college softball coach came in & all the food disappeared.  The team had food.  Nice for them.

    Even busy JS had time to tease me.  But CT & MS had no time.  I should have poked my head in the kitchen to say hello!

    I took JR to the grocery store after we ate.  It was pouring down then.  Got home & Cinder was waiting & so was my black cat was there also.  Now everyone is fed.  And happy.

    Strong winds out & I am debating whether to sleep on the sofa to keep warm or go to bed.  Time to decide later.

    The fur kids must be happy I am home.  Nico & Kisse were bonding on the floor.  She was licking his face & he did not bite her.  A rare moment of caring.

    Photos are a mix..


003/2025 Fredag the 07th - Wandering & Capturing Moments

  Today's Name Day:   Camilla I was in school with a girl named Camille.  We knew each other but not friends.  She was a year older ...