Tuesday, May 31, 2022

31 may, 2022 Wandering

    OMG!!! What a night!!  There was severe weather near us but kept moving away.  But finally it grew & expanded about the time I went to bed.  I cannot remember such rain!!  A few days ago I had almost 5 inches of rain but that was over 2 days.  Last night I had 4 inches within a few hours.  My bedroom window looked like there was someone on the roof with a water hose going full blast.  Just a sheet of water, no drops of rain to be seen.  Lots of lightning and thunder.  Plus on time period of strong winds.

    My nephew worked on the pond south of my driveway.  I assumed that it would no longer overflow & flood my driveway.  Was I ever wrong!!  When I left the house this afternoon I could see the drive was under lots of water at one point.  The mud shows up before getting to the area where the water flows under my drive & on the other side.  The mud showed how deep it was.  Scary.

    The road I take to Lindsborg is called Burma Road.  There were signs in 2 areas that it was flooded.  Two areas I have never seen flood before.  There were photos on FB today.

    I doubt we get rain tonight.  Severe weather south of here moving NE.  But one never knows.  Supposed to have rain tomorrow.  I will debate if I go to work or not if it is too much.  I might get to work but maybe not get home.  Just cannot leave the kids without food or water.

    My grandson, CF, & I texted last night and decided to meet for supper tonight.  He has moved back here from Oklahoma.  He is doing landscaping work now.  We had a nice meal & visit.  Jalisco's is so nice to go to.  Everyone calls you by name and asks how you are.  CT aways has to shake my hand when I get there and a fist bump when I leave.  JS always has to tease me.  And if I am lucky, a long chat.   Had a chat with MA tonight.  Always good.  We talked about the Tequila Train in Mexico.  A dream of mine!!

    After leaving Nico alone this afternoon he is dead to the world.  Odd.  Wonder what they were doing while I was gone!? 

    Photos are some internet photos that I like.  They showed up in my FB memories.


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003/2025 Lördag the 08th - Wandering & Capturing Moments

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