Sunday, June 26, 2022

26 june, 2022 Wandering

    What a gorgeous day!!  Last night it got down to 64F.  ----64----  Hard to imagine!!  Today the high was 74F.  Perfect.  If only the summer was always like this, but unfortunately this is Kansas.  No chance for nice summer weather.  Late this afternoon I swear I heard a combine far to the east of me.  Hopeful sound.

    JR & I had lunch at the White Peacock.  I need to give them more business.  Good place!  Missed Jalisco's but they know I love them!  The Peacock was really busy!! The front was full & the patio was too.  Good to see.  I actually saw one person I knew.  He is super nice & I wish we were friends but doubt that will ever happen.  We run in different circles.  Well, he runs in circles.  I run alone with no circles.  My fate or karma in life.

    I had a toasted ham sandwich with mayo, cheese, & lingonberries.  Awesome.  They also serve breakfast all day.  And they have Swedish pancakes.  My fave.  I make really good Swedish pancakes but now with my cooking stove turned off I don't.  I sort have thought of a way that I could fix them.  Will have to try.  I should go buy 3 at the Peacock & have nothing put on them just to bring home to heat & put what I like on them.  I grew up with doing butter & sugar.  Like my dad.  I think it is a regional thing in Sweden.  I do have butter & lingon when eating them out.  Mmmm.  When I had Swedish pancakes in Sweden I almost cried.  Being there is very emotional for me.  Feel at home & love it there.  Would give anything to go back but I would need someone to go with & help me.  There is no one.

    I took a nice nap.  Then my grandson CF called.  We had a nice visit.  Since I have no hot water here, shampooing is a challenge.  He is living in a motel now until he can find an apartment.  But I can borrow his shower if I need.  Yay!!  I had thought of that but did not want to be a bother.

    Nico & I sat out tonight.  So nice.  Cinder sat on the bench with me.  She & Nico bonded.  I took lots of photos.  Will share one.

    My photos tonight are from today.  I found a new flower in the ditch.  A very cool one.  Had to see if I could find out what it is called.  It is a White Prairie Clover.  New to me!!


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003/2025 Lördag the 08th - Wandering & Capturing Moments

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