Wednesday, June 29, 2022

29 june, 2022 Wandering

    The heat has returned as we knew it would.  But could be much worse like next week.  Was coolish overnite but today I saw 95F.  But we had a breeze & that helped.

    I did not dare say it yesterday but Cinder had disappeared.  I cried.  Something ate a little food at noon but I never saw her.  Could have been the black cat from next door.  But around 10pm I heard her on the porch.  She acted a little skittish so her day might not have been the best.  We loved & I fed & watered her.  She was still there this morning.  But gone the rest of the day.  Too hot to be out & about.  Hope she shows up tonight.

    Today was a work day at the Old Mill.  It was a good day but hard on my back.  I did some exercises & stood up but nothing helped.  I feel in love with the school I did today.  Lots of photos that were large, not the tiny ones.  And lots of names.  I told my boss when I start adding names I want to start with this school.  They had a photo from 1900 of a fancy dinner.  The girls waiting had on black & white, sort of like the Harvey Girls wore.  The guests were in the finest clothes of the time.  It is a great photo.  I need to get a photo of it.  Next week.

    Read about the Harvey Girls.  My grandmother was one around Newton KS.

    JR & PM met me for supper at Jalisco's.  They were pleasantly busy.  Lots of take out food.  JS was in a good mood.  And he joked with me often.  A good evening.

    My iPhone watch went crazy before supper.  It was over run with Twitter messages.  And the weather lady kept talking but I had not touched the weather app.  I finally did a reboot & all was quiet.

    Saw two combines cutting wheat on the way home.  Probably the last out here.  Not sure who's land it is.

    Photos are more flowers & a sign.  A sign to Salina KS.  Made in the 1920s.  It has been repainted at least once.  And we hope to have it done again soon.



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003/2025 Lördag the 08th - Wandering & Capturing Moments

  Today's Name Day:   Saga, Siv     Had a great day today.  I had extra photos to do today.  Someone left her family photos.  Many had n...