Thursday, September 1, 2022

01 september, 2022 Wandering

    A good day today.  Got my hair cut & styled.  Always a favorite day!  HP is a cool guy & I enjoy his company.  Feels good to have clean & clipped hair!

    Great appointment but I did not feel good.  Almost like a touch of the flu or my gallbladder/etc. was acting up.  Felt ok at my appointment but not at home.  Ate supper really slow & now ok.

    I am actually walking better.  That is odd.  No idea why.  I am blaming the steps to the archive area in the Old Mill basement.  I can even walk the steps fairly normal.  I am not complaining.  It is nice.  But my hands are driving me crazy.  They itch like crazy.  😦  My eczema.  It is awful.

    Weather is so-so.  Temps were 63F & 94F.  Not much breeze.  Sat outside with Nico & Cinder.  Why Nico likes her is odd.  They lay together.  He stays close.  She snuggled with me too.  Nice but too hot.  But hot enough no mosquitos.  Almost worth it.  Later it will be awful.  No bites yet but I can feel bugs on me all night after being outside.  Saw a Praying Mantis the other night.  They are cool.  Wish he had been on my porch railing.  Could have got some great photos.

    Watching a science show on tv.  They are in Henderson KY.  Have always had family there but we never went there.  I should get brave to go there.  The pictures look really nice.  As a kid we only went to Denver.  Never anywhere else.  Except one trip to South Dakota.

    Nico needs to see his vet.  I asked to a friday afternoon appointment.  I got an 830am slot.  No.  If I do not sleep I cannot drive in there.  Called to change the time & day.  Much better.

    Photos today just scenes on the local prairie.  And one non-prairie photo.



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003/2025 Lördag the 08th - Wandering & Capturing Moments

  Today's Name Day:   Saga, Siv     Had a great day today.  I had extra photos to do today.  Someone left her family photos.  Many had n...