Saturday, December 3, 2022

03 December, 2022 Wandering & Capturing Moments

    I slept fair last night.  The usual trouble falling asleep.  Nothing new.  My right hip decided to give me lots of grief.  No position felt good.  Not much fun.

    This morning just as the alarm was about to go off, I heard a strange sound outside & so did Nico.  He started barking but I kept hearing the noise.  It was pheasants talking right next to my house!  Wow!  Fun to see the out my window.  I let Nico bark while I started on my makeup.  Left part of it for later.  Eyes were really watery today.

    This afternoon I worked at the Red Barn Museum.  I used to work there before I had knee surgery.  I miss it.  Today all I had to do was remind all our guests to sign our guest book.  I went in at    130pm.  The morning was really busy.  We were busy for a while also.  After 4pm it slowed down.

    Today in Lindsborg it is the yearly Artist Open House. There are artists all over town.  Some have studios out in the country so they find a business to do their art in.  And sell.  We had one artist today in the Red Barn.  We have had as many as 3-4 in the past.  I decided with all the flu going around I needed to wear my mask.  And Covid also.  No more being sick.

    A couple of days ago I got a text from someone who did not sign their name.  I asked who it was.  Turned out it was a good friend who used to live here!  Great to hear from him.  When he lived here he did not have a car for a while so every sunday I drove him to whatever church he was singing at.  Then we ate out.  He was close to my mother also.  I have missed him.  Glad we are connected again.

    A couple came in to tour our museum.  The second time or so she walked by me she told me she loved my hair.  What a nice thing to do.  Made my day.  I rarely get a compliment from anyone I know.

    Really cold last night.  Got down to 14F.  Stayed in the 30s today.  No wind.  What a relief.  Strong winds quit around midnight.  No moisture forecast until around thursday.  Won't amount to much I am sure

    Photos today are from the Red Barn.  Much of what is in the photos are art made by the owner of the former studio.  We also had musicians playing for us today.  They are either from the high school or college.  Very nice.


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003/2025 Söndag the 09th - Wandering & Capturing Moments

  They were near my house this afternoon.  You can see the first one was giving me the once or twice over!! 😃 Today's Name Day:   Torbj...