Saturday, December 24, 2022

24 December, 2022 Wandering & Capturing Moments

    Another great night last night.  I got no sleep until after 7am.  My legs ached & would not lay still.  Finally moved to the sofa.  That helped.  And I took no nap.  Watching a movie.  Quiet here.  Saw no one & heard from no one.  Have been trading holiday greetings on FB.

    Today is the anniversary of Mom's death.  I handled it ok.  No tears.  Some good thoughts & some sad ones.

    It stayed warm last night.  Never dropped down to zero.  And today got up in the teens.  Chance of a winter mix sunday night.  Maybe yes & maybe no.

     The black kitty was here & I fed him.  I might get to pet him one of these days.  Not seen the orange cat for day or so.  Maybe he has moved on.  I hope so.  I feel sorry for animals like him.

    Nico has been a pill tonight.  In to everything.  Anything to cause me trouble.  I switched purses & that got him all worked up.  Now he is bugging me.  We had supper, he has food & water, had a treat, he was out to potty.  What more???  Well outside again now.  Hope that is it.

    Nico & I did sit outside for a while.  I sat on my bench & he nosed around the snow & grass.  Cinder was sleeping somewhere.  Rather nice though cold.

    I watched the movie Elvis this afternoon.  Great movie.  The star should get an Oscar.  He looked & talked & sang just like Elvis.  At the end the had movie clips of the real Elvis & a video of his last concert.  He could barely walk.  I cried.  He died 2 weeks later.  I had heard his autopsy was just awful.  It is sealed until 2027 but someone who has read it wrote about it.  He was so sick the last year or two of his life.  Very sad.  And no one's fault.  Lot of reasons.

    Cinder is here but won't come in.  She will step in but that is that.  Think Kisse is a problem with her one hiss.  I hope she gets where she can come in & out as she wants.

    I always wonder why someone who used to like things I posted & commented on them now say nothing.  I try to just ignore those people but I always wonder why.  One lady expects everyone to cater to her & her life problems but I never got a comment from her.  Odd.  And one really good friend who dissed me once then the next year apologised.  Then she deleted me from FB with no explanation.  Clueless.

    Lots of Covid, RSV, & the flu around here.  Now they said there is strep throat too.  Great!!  I use some essential oils that are supposed to keep you healthy.  I hope.

    More Christmas photos tonight.



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003/2025 Söndag the 09th - Wandering & Capturing Moments

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