Thursday, January 5, 2023

05 January, 2023 Wandering & Capturing Moments


    Today is my birthday.  An old photo of a night I spent with friends.  They are no longer anywhere near or part of my life.  Was a nice evening though.  There was no celebration today.  I got lots of greetings on FB.  Both my grandsons called to wish me well.  Love those guys.  Even as a child I remember no birthday parties.  Too close to Christmas.  And never a birthday gift.  All my Christmas gifts said "and happy birthday too".  I used to get one gift from a friend, but not this year.  He is moving so there is no need for a gift.
    Weather was ok.  Got quite cold last night.  Fur kids were sort of ok.  Cinder always wants out but also wants to stay in.  She is out right now.  Kisse is getting better about Cinder.  Weather was ok all day.  Should have sat out for a while.
    Covid is rearing its ugly head again.  Our local newspaper is struggling to get a paper out because of sickness.  I know several people who have it.  Time to leave my mask on.  Frustrating.  And one I know who had it was seen going around town.  No bueno.
    I went to Salina to pick up groceries.  I actually got all I wanted.  One thing they had to substitute and that was ok.  Such a joy!!  Last two times in town I ordered soda & got nothing.
    Busy tomorrow & very cold on saturday.  Photos today are winter ones.

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003/2025 Söndag the 09th - Wandering & Capturing Moments

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