Tuesday, February 28, 2023

28 february, 2023 Wandering & Capturing Moments

    After sleeping good for several nights, last night was back to normal.  Fell asleep around 6am.  Feel ok though. 

    Nico is a problem.  I am worried.  His right hind leg continues to bother him.  He hobbles some.  Last night he thought he could not jump in bed.  He finally did.  He went to the vet today just to get his nails trimmed.  I asked him if he wanted to go potty at home.  He saw my purse & hid under our bed.  Odd.  He finally let me put his leash on.  And we were off.

    JR & I ate supper at China tonight.  Great food.  Big servings.  Need to go there more often.

    Been looking for a place to eat out with my boss & friend.  Yoder was fun with her.  Checked on the Steak House at the Hutchinson airport.  Menu sounds awesome but a bit expensive.  And bigger meals.  Then my doctor told me about a new place in Moundridge KS called the Hub.  Fire baked pizza.  Looks very good.  Have to see.  And maybe the Elgin Hotel in Marion KS.

    Very warm today.  I saw at least 66F.  Cooler tomorrow then rain/ice/snow on thursday.  Interesting.

    My mood is a bit dark.  Being ignored by family is just upsetting.  Made for a long, cold night last night.  I am sure I am over reacting.  Knowing that does not help.  No where to turn to talk about my feelings.

    In my FB memories I got a photo of posole made by JS.  I still remember how good it was!  I wanted him to do it again but he never did.  I really enjoyed the bowl I had.

    Photos are partly from supper tonight & some old memories.  And a photo of Jupiter & Venus.  Tomorrow they are at their closest.


Monday, February 27, 2023

27 february, 2023 Wandering & Capturing Moments

    Compared to last week, today was the best day in a long time.  Of course, nothing beats last monday.  It was awesome!!  I slept good & warm weather with no storms.  There were storms last night but not here.  We got rain, some wind, but no tornados, no hail.

    I had my SoftWave treatment at my chiropractor's office.  Going well.  He is a very nice man.  I will be sad when we are done.

    Then I treated myself to a chocolate dip cone.  Too good for words.  That whole area of McPherson had all I needed without driving around.  Very nice.

    Went to my bank to make a deposit.  The lady who waited on me said I was eligible for a special checking account with lots of extras.  Why has no one else told me that??  Slackers.  Plus she is sending me checks to use.  Very nice lady.

    Next I got fuel for my car.  For a couple of weeks fuel prices in McPherson have been $3.04, but in Lindsborg they are $3.19.  Thank goodness I have a weekly appointment so I can get cheaper fuel.  That is a big savings.  Why???

    Back to my home town I picked up medication then went through the car wash.

    Two upsetting things are last night I found out some family thinks I am not a good person & never helped them.  I have tried but such is life.  And today I know that someone I would do anything for just does not have time for me.  I understand but it hurts.  No one seems to care what I might need.  A kind caring word would help.  Oh well.  I do know that at least that person cares.  I thought the first one did too.

    I had frozen waffles for supper.  They were awful.  Heated them too long.  Need to just not buy them anymore.  Should have had a tv dinner.  Live & learn.

    Photos are mostly from today & some from my FB memories.  The heart is a piece of art I own & love.


Sunday, February 26, 2023

26 february, 2023 Wandering & Capturing Moments

    I slept very good last night.  Quite nice.  Cinder in all night.  Love her snuggles.  She makes my days.

    Warmer weather today.  Our low was 29F & got to 64F today.  Very windy all day.

    Now we are in a severe weather watch.  There were 4 tornados at one time in western Kansas.  Winds up to 80 mph.  It is moving to the NE.  Getting closer to me here.  Great.  Not.  I hate being scared.  And being out here all alone makes it worse.  One town had heavy hail that looked like snow.  And the rain looked very heavy.  I would like heavy rain.  No tornados please.

     JR & I ate at Jalisco's.  They were very busy, even before church was out.  Actually saw 2 people I know.  And they talked to me.  A surprise.

    Took a nice nap.  Just nice to feel cozy.

    Photos are some from my FB memories.  The photo of me shows me wearing some of my mom's old earrings!


Saturday, February 25, 2023

25 february, 2023 Wandering & Capturing Moments

    What a long, quiet day.  Not a peep from anyone.  Except my fur kids.  What would I do without them???  Nice they care about me or if they get fed or not!!  Texted someone yesterday but they were too busy to answer.  I won't bother again.  I am sure they have more important things than me at this time.

    Got cold last night.  I saw 11F last night.  Today got up to 49F.  Chance of severe weather tomorrow evening ---- winds, rain, hail.  I will not believe it until I see it.  They are so wrong too often.  California is so odd with blizzard warnings.  My family there got no snow only strong winds. 

    No sleep last night again.  I no longer care.  Just here so does not matter.  Will take something for sleep tonight.  Nico & I had a nice nap though.

    I got an old old blizzard photo from New York in my FB memories.  I love those!  So I added several for my photos today.


Friday, February 24, 2023

24 february, 2023 Wandering & Capturing Moments


    I was done before I got up.  No sleep until 7am or 8am.  I cancelled the entire day.  Just could not do it.
    During the night Nico decided he could not jump out of bed.  Huh??  And that was it.  No going outside then.  I swear he is getting dementia.  Then this morning when he did go out he stepped on something that made him limp & walk on 3 legs.  His foot looked ok to me.  Who knows?
    Cinder was in all night.  She went out for a super short time in the extreme cold & not again.  She just stayed in bed.  Smart kitty.  I saw 7F last night and only 27F today.
    I tried to nap but low blood sugar stopped me from an entire nap.
    JR & I ate at Jalisco's.  They had steady business.  I had not had my fave shrimp dinner for a long time.  It was very good.  Good to see the staff.
    Quiet day.  No texts or anything from anyone.  Hard to be alone.  Makes me sad.  I sent one message that has not been read yet.
    Photos are a mix of memories.  The first photo is of the moon, Jupiter, & Venus taken tonight.  The second photo is of me with a Swedish soccer coach on my left & her family on my right.  Her name is Pia Sundhage.  It was a huge honor to meet her.  Cool lady.  The third photo is of my 3 great grandsons.  I made it a couple of years ago.

Thursday, February 23, 2023

23 february, 2023 Wandering & Capturing Moments

    What a night!!  Had strong winds out here with a low of 6F.  My furnace ran all night!  Cinder would not even go to the front door!! Smart cat!  Nico was speedy outside!

    A large part of the US had a blizzard but we were left out.  Totally.  A little snow would have been nice.  I have learned to say nothing as the hot weather lovers have taken FB over.  And the weathermen.  I dread summer.

    This morning caused me lots of stress.  There was a cat under my house.  It was the orange one.  I felt so sorry for him.  He really wanted in the house but no way.  I put some water out but he ignored it.  No food for him.  He knows I used to feed Cinder on the porch.  No more.  Too many wild animals tear up the porch then.  Nico needed out & he raced off the porch at the cat.  He must have stepped on something sharp & limped back in the house.  I could tell he hurt for quite a while.  I looked at his foot but did not feel or see anything.  Maybe he sprained his leg a bit.  We did manage a nice nap though.

    The orange cat left this afternoon.  I am glad.  The neighbours feed all their pets.  I am sure he knows that.

    I managed to shampoo my hair.  That takes a lot out of me.  When I very fatigued all the time, something extra is difficult.  But it is done.  I am glad.  See how it looks tomorrow.

    Quiet day.  No communication except on FB.  I miss hearing from friends & I hate to bother anyone.  Even when they say I am not a bother.  I feel I am.

    Photos today are a mix a things that showed on my FB memories that I like.  Nothing special.  The old post card of the Elgin Hotel in Marion KS. is a place I would love to stay at.  And go to lunch there.  I need to check on times & prices.  Be a fun trip.


Wednesday, February 22, 2023

22 february, 2023 Wandering & Capturing Moments

    What a night!!!  It stayed 60F all night!!!  Like summer.  Got up around 930am.  Then it was around 37F.  When I left work at 4pm it was 27F.  It is 23F now.  And the breeze is wicked.

    Worked today at the Old Mill.  Now doing photos from the restoration of the Mill in the 1970s.  Some work was probably done earlier too, I think.  I am focusing on photos with people in them.  I even found my brother & his camera in one.  I posted it.  He is on the right side of it.  Cool.  I also think our great uncle is in a couple also.  There was one day a worker fell & broke his leg.  There is a photo of him on the stretcher.  Scary.

    Tonight JR & I ate supper at Jalisco's.  It was pretty quiet until it was time for us to leave.  Then they were busy.  We found a site that listed the songs released in 1963.  What memories!!  Fun to hear them.  Some drew total blanks.

    Photos are from today.


Tuesday, February 21, 2023

21 february, 2023 Wandering & Capturing Moments

    Very quiet day.  Slept fair.  Pain finally got better.  Has left me very fatigued.  I cancelled all appointments for today.

    I did eat good today though!!  Leftovers from yesterday.  Very good!!  The roast beef was sooo tender.  And I had part of my cinnamon roll.  Mmmm.

    Cinder was in all night.  Nice to have her snuggle next to me.  Nico too.  Today Nico & Kisse were all lovey dovey.  That is rare.  It was nice.

    Cinder is starting to go out in the mornings but back in when we take a nap.  She hides somewhere to sleep.

    Trash men came.  They are rude.  My one bin was blown over.  They never set it upright.  Just warms my heart.

    Too warm today but with very strong winds.  Tomorrow starts the same but then the temps drop.  Super cold temps forecast for this week.  And maybe rain or snow.  Ha.

    Photos today are old ones of when we had a real winter with snow.  And also when I had Willie and our dog Jo.  Bittersweet photos.



003/2025 Måndag the 10th - Wandering & Capturing Moments

  Today's Name Day:   Ada, Edla Had a ladies in town with the both these names.     What a day!!  Great & special. day I have had!!!...