Saturday, February 11, 2023

11 february, 2023 Wandering & Capturing Moments

    I had a good night.  Slept pretty well.  I did take something to help but if it did it was long after taking it.  Cinder went out early & never appeared again until morning. 

    I had to get moving early today.  I worked at the SVAFC.  And it had a new showing there.  Great show!  I knew the artist's name but not what all she did.  And I had not met her.

    When I got to work, a horse drawn carriage came by.  I could hear the bells on it ringing.  I missed getting a photo of it, but later in the afternoon most of the cars were gone so I got a good photo.  The owner comes here a few times a year.  I have always wanted to ride but never have.  He only goes a couple of blocks.

    Work started out with my boss & a friend of hers in the gallery.  After they left a friend came in & then the artist came in.  And they stayed until closing.  Those two went to college together but it was fun to listen & join in when I could.  I even got brave & suggested we meet again, but no one answered.  They might but I most likely will not be part of anything.  But I got brave & made the suggestion.  My former therapist would be proud.  She always wanted me to do something like that.

    My thoughts, etc. have been more positive the last few days.  Hope it lasts.

    After work I brought home supper for Nico & I.  Not in the mood to think of what to fix.

    After supper I heard an unhappy cat screech outside.  Cinder was there & came in.  Maybe a scuffle with another cat or intruder.

    Photos today are from today.  I added one photo of a painting & little snippets from other paintings.


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003/2025 Tisdag the 11th - Wandering & Capturing Moments

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