Sunday, March 19, 2023

19 march, 2023 Wandering & Capturing Moments

    I had little sleep last night.  Nothing new.  Had a good afternoon nap.  It was frigid cold last night.  I saw 13F.  High today was in the 50s.  Now we are in a fire warning for tomorrow due to high winds.  I do not mind a breeze but high winds are just annoying.  And there go my trash bins.  

    I stayed home from lunch out today.  But JR & I went to Pizza Hut for supper.  I had great pizza.  He tried something new.  It looked good.  Except for pepperoni.  But that is easy to pick out.  Might try it  sometime.

    In the next booth were 2 of the kitchen help from Jalisco's.  Great to see them.  One is very liberal with hugs.  He is the only one who hugs me now.

    I need to try harder to take photos.  I have gotten lazy with no motivation.  No bueno.

    Photos today are one photo of the sun setting & others are of blue glass.  Driving home with that sun in the west.  I am too short.  The sun visors do nothing for me.  I was blinded.


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003/2025 Söndag the 09th - Wandering & Capturing Moments

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