Monday, July 31, 2023

31 july, 2023 Wandering & Capturing Moments

    Weatherwise, a better day.  We were cloudy most of the day.  Our temp was in the 90s.  Later with sun I saw 101.  Not for long. 

    I actually slept fairly good last night.  Surprising!  I was up early though.

    Lunch today was at Jalisco's.  I am starting a new habit.  Mondays are quiet & MA has time to chat a while.  Monday lunch is every week.  And it is my goal to eat & do things alone more often.  May eat out on thursday too.  See how the day goes.  It was quiet today.  Got a hug from LA.  She is planning to move.  I hate losing people I really like.  She really helps my spanish.  Seems like I always lose the ones I love.  And then alone or more alone again.  Hard to find anyone who cares.  Got laughed at once when someone hurt me.  I took a nap that felt good.  Cinder was in all night & while I was at lunch.  Then she went out.  On the porch now.

    I get groceries & stuff from Amazon but the boxes just sit.  Well.  Today I pitched a bunch of them..  JR is coming out end of the week to help me flatten them.  I do not mind setting out a few by the trash but there are too many.  Or I will set them out in dribs & drabs.  No wonder the house is so crowded!!  I am a bad housekeeper even when I feel good.  And no one here but me so I get no help or support.

    MA's brother was working today.  He is a challenge to my spanish.  Most of the help they have had ask me what I was to drink in the same way & if I am done with my plate.  He uses different words.  I know what he means but I want to the words.  I did know the word for drink.  I can learn.  My lessons are better.  I can read most of the questions without help.  Gives me hope.

    Photos today are a mix.  Nothing special.  Only one is mine.


Sunday, July 30, 2023

30 july, 2023 Wandering & Capturing Moments

 International Day of Friendship 

    A long night and no sleep.  Only a couple of hours.  And I could not find my power drink.  Maybe they are all gone.  Gonna hurt later.    
    Up early for working again.  I was worried about how tired I am.  And boy was I right!  Not many visitors.  And I was constantly nodding off.  So painful.  Luckily I got to go home a bit early.  Jay rode with to carry a box of trash away for me.  I was so relieved he did that!!!
    We ate at Pizza Hut & LA joined us.  I did pretty well with my spanish with her.  I maybe cannot do a real sentence, but she understood me!!  And we laughed so hard.  Great we understand each other so well.  It was a great supper.
    Cinder went out middle of last night.  I never saw her today.  I was so worried about her.  But after supper there she was sitting on the porch.  What a relief.
    Trying to plan my week.  Too many things & not enough time.  Sigh.
    Photos are from this afternoon.  I was playing with a new camera app.  Clouds were on the way home.


Saturday, July 29, 2023

29 july, 2023 Wandering & Capturing Moments

 Celebrate National Lipstick Day and make a statement - add a pop of color to your look with one of our bold and beautiful lipstick shades!

    I struggled to sleep last night.  Took a pill & nothing.  Finally after 5am I slept but up early to get ready for work.  A power drink for lunch helped.
    All three kids were in this morning & stayed even though it was cooler today.  Only in the 90s.  Actually nice early today. 
    I worked at the SVAFC today.  I never even walked around to see all the photos.  (Severe hip pain made walking difficult.  Hard to sleep last night.  Turning was near impossible.)  Not super busy but had several people in.  When I got there no one came to unlock for me.  A first!!  I had to call for help.  JR came to see me late in my shift.
    I called MA for carry out at Jalisco's.  He was gone in Mexico for a week so was nice to see him.  And I got to meet his brother, JA.  He seems really nice.  I will enjoy getting to know him.
    It was awesome to see all the friends & families gatherings for fun times today.  Just great to watch & dream.  Even a huge group at a pool  party.  Lucky them.
    Photos today are some I played with.  Had a tutorial in my memories today.  I changed it how I did it but still liked it.  How I spent my afternoon.  That is as fun as life gets for me.

Friday, July 28, 2023

28 july, 2023 Wandering & Capturing Moments

 National Soccer Day

    Truly a bad weather day.  Really bad.  It was ungodly hot.  I saw 106F here.  A friend in town saw 110F midafternoon so it was hotter than that around 5pm.  Little cooler this weekend but next week is supposed to be 105F most days.
    Cinder refused to come in.  What is wrong with her??  I worry about her.
    I cancelled supper when I saw how hot it would get.  Just not in the mood to get out.  Just trying to get ready I can get sweaty.  No fun to have makeup dripping down your cleavage!
    I emptied the kitty litter box & replaced it with new stuff.  Hope they approve.  It was long overdue.
    Heard from both grandsons.  One was working & the other one was in a friend's pool.  I am never so lucky!
    Photos today are from one of my fave sites, Bellissime Immagini.


Thursday, July 27, 2023

27 july, 2023 Wandering & Capturing Moments

 National Creme Brûlée Day!

    What a surprise this morning!  Took Nico out around 730am.  Just before I got out of bed I got a messageon my phone of how close lightning is to me.  Lightning???  Checked.  There is a thunderstorm near me.  Not huge but there.  We got outside & thunder was loud.  I could hear rain but was not exactly where we were.  But before long it was raining.  Good size drops I could see them so I was not imagining anything.  Did not last long.  It stayed cloudy until noon or so & did not get as hot as yesterday.  I saw 101.6F.  Humidity was low but still felt awful.
    Had no plans for today so nothing to cancel.  I thought of getting groceries, but talked myself out of it.  The thought of getting out in the heat can stop me from doing a lot.  I do have 2 things in the future that I will go to.
    Quiet today.  Only heard from my 2 grandsons.  One is working on the east coast.  He is in heat also.  The other drove home from Texas.  Glad he is back.  Worry about traffic.
    Cinder stays outside.  Why?  Is it too cold in here?  What?  I make sure she has water.  None of the fur kids are eating much.  Hope it is just the heat.  What I usually give them they dislike now.  Frustrating.  Will try something new.  Nico eats fair.  And likes his treats.
    Photos are of flowers that are all taken by me.  Flowers in town leave a lot to desire this year.  Drought & heat are not good.

Wednesday, July 26, 2023

26 july, 2023 Wandering & Capturing Moments


Today would have been our 57th wedding anniversary.

    I am having a better day today.  Only cried last night.  And thought about Willie & good times.
    Today I could not face the world.  I cancelled everything.  No work, no eat out.  Just rested.  Having more pains today.  Stress?  Weather?
    The heat was unbearable today.  I saw 105.6 briefly here.  Stayed mostly in the 104s.  My AC could not keep up.  It got close to 80 in here.  Better now.  No change in weather until late next week.  We are still better than Arizona.  I feel so bad for them.
    I stayed off of FB.  Did not share my blog yesterday & won't today.  Do not want to hear anything --- positive or negative.  No need to broadcast my anniversary.  Most of those who would say something do not care about me one way or the other.
    My cousin from Denver did remember my anniversary.  She used to sometimes in the past.
    A transformer in Lindsborg blew this afternoon.  It was near my brother's house.  He lost electricity briefly.  But Jalisco's, Crown & Rye, & Pizza Hut had no electricity.  Glad I did not plan to eat out.
    Photos are some I played with.  None are mine.


003/2025 Fredag the 07th - Wandering & Capturing Moments

  Today's Name Day:   Camilla I was in school with a girl named Camille.  We knew each other but not friends.  She was a year older ...