Friday, July 7, 2023

07 july, 2023 Wandering & Capturing Moments

 World Chocolate Day

    Been a quiet day.  Cloudy with a small bit of rain early.  Our chances for rain are slim to none.  Had no texts or emails or calls today.  Like usual.  Sent nothing.  Tired of being ignored.  I never know if they are read or not when there is no answer.
    My yard has the hugest covering of white flowers.  Solid white.  They are not to be wanted.  They are called bindweed.  Bad weeds.  They choke out other plants.  I really do not care.
    Been out with the pets a time or two.  Did have a nice breeze but gone now.  Then I am scared of mosquitoes in the still air.  Scared of what diseases they can carry.  Especially since I only have bad luck.
    I cancelled all of today.  I really just did not care about anything.  Sure I was not missed.  Wrote to my friend LA so she would know where I was & why.
    Before bed I will have a piece of fudge in honour of World Chocolate Day.  Mmmm.
    Photos are a mix of photos that I have taken.  Almost all of them.  Nothing special.



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