Thursday, August 31, 2023

31 august, 2023 Wandering & Capturing Moments

Sad Remembrance

 Todays Name Day is Arvid 

    A very quiet day.  I have little to say.  I refuse to whine to others.  I am whining inside.  And wanting what I cannot have & will never have.  Just feeling sorry for me.  Very glad the flu was short lived.

    Good weather today but the heat is on the way.  Ugh.

    Photos are flowers & none are mine.


Wednesday, August 30, 2023

30 august, 2023 Wandering & Capturing Moments

 Todays Name Day is Albert

    I am not blogging today.  I was fine all day yesterday.  I was fine all night.  Took Nico out around 7am.  Felt normal.  My alarm went off to get up for work.  I sat up & immediately needed to throw up.  And that was how my morning went.  During a break time, I called my boss LL.  She called me back & I explained.  While talking I ran to the ladies room.  Said goodbye just in time.

    I finally fell asleep & slept the rest of the afternoon.  Took no insulin in the morning which is a no-no.  Got brave.  Took my insulin & fixed some toast & pepsi.  See how the evening & night goes.  Fingers crossed.

    Pictures are of sunflowers.  None are mine.


Tuesday, August 29, 2023

29 august, 2023 Wandering & Capturing Moments

 Todays Name Day is Hampus, Hans

    Had no plans for today.  I had things to do but changed my mind.  I will be sorry tomorrow.  Have to catch up then.

    Cinder spent all night inside again, either on me or her chair.  Nice habit.

    I washed my hair after supper.  Nico usually just lays somewhere but not tonight.  He was in all sorts of things.  No idea why.  But sleeping now.  Found most of what he had.

    Had a few texts today.  Grandsons are pretty good.  And so are both girlfriends.

    Need to get a new car tag.  Cannot find the paperwork.  Hoped to do it online.  Ha.  Have to do it tomorrow morning.  Hate getting up early.  No choice.

    Just a quiet day.  Photos are ones I googled on the word Rustic.  So nothing is mine.


Monday, August 28, 2023

28 august, 2023 Wandering & Capturing Moments


Rainbow Bridge Remembrance Day

    What a great day!  Wish I had more of them!
    Started with Cinder sleeping next to me all night.  I am loving her near.  She is sweet!
    Then I met LL for lunch at the White Peacock.  It has been a while with the heat!  And my being sick.  We both had Swedish pancakes.  Awesome!  They used to have peach tea but no more.  But the waitress said she could make a peach green tea!  It is awesome.  I am stopping there often for that.
    Home for a short nap.  Nico joined me.
    Then supper with the artist at the Red Barn, RG.  I enjoy his friendship.  Wish we lived closer.  Had a great visit.   Pizza Hut was raising money for they Hyllningfest committee.  I had great visits with a couple of the committee.  Fun people I wish I was real friends with.  A great supper.
    No Jalisco's yet.  Maybe tomorrow.   I hope so as we eat there on wednesdays.
    Photos are from today.

Sunday, August 27, 2023

27 august, 2023 Wandering & Capturing Moments

    I think my household totally enjoyed a cool night!  Cinder came in around 1am & never again left our bedroom.  She would lay in her chair & then walk over to lay by me to cuddle.  That went on all night!  Back & forth!  And I managed to sleep.  Nice to be so loved.  Nico was good & Kisse was probably under the bed.

    Not much the rest of the day.  Communication was rare with me today.  Great weather.  Cool & pleasant.  No chance of rain anytime soon.  Drought is getting worse day by day.  And heat returns on friday.  Temp jumps to 100 through monday or tuesday.  Dang.

    JR & I ate at Burger Theory in the Holiday Inn.  Good burgers.  And you build your own so you get exactly what you want.  Bread, slices of meat, toppings, sauce, etc.  I ate maybe half of what I ordered.  Very good.

    Photos today are from this afternoon.


Saturday, August 26, 2023

25 august, 2023 Wandering & Capturing Moments

Show your pup some extra love on National Dog Day - take them to the park, spoil them with treats, and give them lots of cuddles! 

   Nico got an extra long nap & a cinnamon roll for supper.  Only a few bites.

    Another sleepless night.  Partly because of Cinder having to be close but also because of Nico.  He was up every hour!!  Sheesh.  I would just about be asleep & he would tap on my leg,  Again.
    Cinder stayed out part of the night enjoying the cool air & rain.  It rained off & on but did not get much.  Just nice.  Last chance for the next 10 days of so.  The drought is back on. 
    Today our temp was only in the 70s.  Awesome!!  Wish is would last, but the dome of heat returns next weekend.  Oh joy.
    Jalisco's is still closed as far as I know.  Not seen anything else.
    I am so lucky to have the Travel Channel to watch instead of the networks & their game/reality shows.  I just find them so stupid.  I also can watch movies from Amazon Prime & other places.
    Lonely day.  Mostly heard from CF's girlfriend.  Cool she texts so often & sends photos.  Sure helps.



Friday, August 25, 2023

25 august, 2023 Wandering & Capturing Moments

     I got no sleep last night but for a great reason.  Cinder.  She finally came in the house.  And she never left my side.  She either laid on me or next to me.  Around 5am she went to her chair.  And then I could not get to sleep.  I loved having her in & all snuggly!

    Super hot today.  Driving to Lindsborg my car showed 108 the entire way.  I saw at least 106 at home before I left.

    JR & I ate supper at the Crown & Rye.  Jalisco's is still closed.  Sad.  We had Swedish pancakes tonight.  I found out 2 is enough, 3 too many.  Live & learn.

    Rain is maybe coming.  Radar shows a large area that is primed to divide when it gets to my farm.  As usual.  How great a long heavy rain would be.

    Photos are all mine from today.  I want to look for odd things to photo.  Need to try harder.  One photo shows how dry & dusty it is.



003/2025 Fredag the 07th - Wandering & Capturing Moments

  Today's Name Day:   Camilla I was in school with a girl named Camille.  We knew each other but not friends.  She was a year older ...