Saturday, September 30, 2023

30 september, 2023 Wandering & Capturing Moments


Take a stand on International Blasphemy Rights Day - recognize the importance of protecting freedom of expression while promoting respect for all religions!

Today's Name Day is Helge

    Had a great day today!  Slept fair with Cinder's help.  She is upset with me now.  I just trapped her to apply bug killer.  She is not happy.  But they missed a month so she should be thankful.  Found a tick on Nico tonight.  Really not seen any this year.  Think our faithful possums help with them.  Thank goodness.

    Nico is on thin ice.  He pooped again in the living room.  I saw some of it but not all.  And I stepped in it.  No fun washing off one's flip flops.  What is wrong with him?  He never used to do this!?  Driving me nuts.  The minute I cannot see him I find him to see what he wants.  Hard for me to sit & relax or sleep at night!

    I worked again at the SVAFC.  A very good day.  Always a good day when I see MH, local artsit & one of my faves.  He opens & closes for me.  Especially this month.  I am taking his place this month.

    One of the managers was working in the back painting something for the parade coming up.  We got to visit.  She is fun.  I had forgot to bring something to drink so she would get me a coke when she went to lunch.  Got me a HUGE one.  Lasted me all afternoon & for my supper.  And my blood sugar is fine.

    A lady came in & I found out I knew her a long time ago.  My grandson CF & her son were good friends.  We had a nice visit.

    Our Chinese restaurant opened today.  New owners.  Took them forever to open!!  They were swamped.  I will wait a week or so before I stop in but I heard only good things about the food!!

    Hate the weather today.  Mid 90s again.  Ick.  Just sat out with the fur kids.  The strong winds have quit.  Not too bad.  Cooler weather comes around tuesday.  One stupid weather app dared to show 90s again in a week or so.  I hope not!

    My new watch that tests all your body stuff is surely helping with my blood sugar.  My A1C is almost always good but I do not check my sugars often enough.  Now I can see after each meal or odd feeling.  Not middle of the night though.  Live & learn.

    I am excited that the late night talk shows return on monday night!!  Is going to throw Nico off his game.  Used to going to bed early now!!  He will adjust!!!

    Photos are autumn themed photos.  None are mine.



Friday, September 29, 2023

29 september, 2023 Wandering & Capturing Moments

National Coffee Day

Today's Name Day is Mikael, Mikaela

    A good day but feel really tired.  Not enough sleep.  Oh well.  I will survive.  Need to have time to take Nico to the vet.  He is not normal.  And he is into everything.  Sort of a pest tonight.
    Cinder came in last night, crawled in bed with me, curled up by me & stay until my alarm went off.  Very nice.  Eases my soul.
    I worked at the SVAFC.  The show there today is part of the collection of Swedish costumes belonging to well known local people.  It is gorgeous!  I have photos of all & downloaded them.  Still a couple to come in.  Easy to add them.
    Not many in today. The new graphic designer for our local newspaper came in & introduced herself.  She is very nice & has some great ideas.  We had a nice visit.  Later a family from NE Kansas came in.  They were really impressed.  No one local came in.
    After work JR & I went to the Hong Kong Buffet.  Great food.  Fun to get there often again.
    Photos are from this afternoon.


Thursday, September 28, 2023

28 september, 2023 Wandering & Capturing Moments


National Drink Beer Day
(Please drink responsibly)

Today's Name Day is Lennart, Leonard

    Today is much better than yesterday.  Nico got ill last evening.  He had diarrhea.  Always in the house.  What a mess!  When we went to bed he could not lay still.  He felt bad.  Cats laid near us.  He finally calmed down & slept.  I quietly turned off the lights so we all could sleep.  I felt to so bad for him.  If he stayed sick we would go see the vet.
    I had a dr. appt in Wichita that I decided to cancel.  Just did not dare leave him alone.  But he was ok today.  Just in to everything.  Awful tonight.  Got into some food stuff & so I gave him nothing of what I ate.  Need to always do that.  He survived but not happy!
    One cat has figured out to eat in the kitchen behind a baby gate.  The other not a clue.  I fed her in the usual place but I guarded her.  Then moved the food away where Nico could not get to it.  I have left her some outside too.  So far ok.
    Weather sucked today.  I saw 95.  Awful.  It felt hot this morning.  Some wind but wind gets bad tomorrow & the weekend.  So now we are in a fire warning.  The news is full of what not to do in the wind & dry grasses.  But there is always someone throwing a cigaret out a car window.  Or sparks from machinery.  I hope for the best.
    Photos are autumn stuff & sunflowers.  Maybe one is mine.

Wednesday, September 27, 2023

27 september, 2023 Wandering & Capturing Moments

National Scarf Day

Today's Name Day is Dagmar, Rigmor

    My day was better than my night with not enough sleep.  But I am getting used to it.
    The leak I had in my bathroom started again last night but only 3 drops.  All dry today.  Notified my nephew.  Hope it can wait until I am not busy.
    Worked at the Old Mill Museum today.  The time just flew by!  Love the photos I am working with.  So interesting.  They are of Main Street.  Businesses I never heard of.  One photo had a row of businesses & one had a stuffed horse in their window!
    One coworker had his birthday today.  We all got drinks from the White Peacock in celebration!
    Supper was at Jalisco's.  They got busy about the time we left.
    Weather was cooler today.  But heat is coming tomorrow.  No rain until late next week.
    Photos are some I have taken.  All but one.


Tuesday, September 26, 2023

26 september, 2023 Wandering & Capturing Moments

National Pancake Day

Today's Name Day is Einar, Enar

    Good day today.  Met MM & his youngest son for lunch at Jalisco's.  My little grandson is such a good boy.  He ate good, minded, & is so sweet!!  The minute he saw me he said "Hi Grandma!"  Had a nice visit.
    After lunch I drove around town & took photos of flowers, etc.  Getting fewer now even though not cold.
    I think my turkey vultures are gone.  Not seen them for a week at least.  Even last nite when I got home at almost dark.
    I tried to take a short nap but could not sleep.  I got up & shampooed my hair & styled it.  Had an app't this week but had to cancel.  Dang.  Go in another day.
    I ordered a new watch that can read my blood sugar.  I had one but it was poor & never read my blood sugar right.  This new one is quite good.
    I have a new app. that is awesome.  Called Imgmi. It will delete all power lines from a photo you take.  And it does!!!  I can do it myself but it is not easy.  And it does lots of other fun things.  I am posting a photo I used it on.  All wires are removed, & so are the electric poles.  Then I changed the sky to something nicer.  I just now noticed some black dots & never removed.  Ignored them.

    It was cool again last night.  Our last one.  Then heats up.  Cooler tomorrow then two days of heat.  I hate it.  Summer is over.  Please go away.  And rain.  We are really far behind.
    Photos today are from this afternoon.  The snowy dalahäst is not my photo.  Someone else took but it is in my town.





Monday, September 25, 2023

25 september, 2023 Wandering & Capturing Moments

 Today's Name Day is Tryggve

    I had an OK day.  I slept sort of ok.  Nico wants out too often.  It was cold again last night.  And will be tonight again.  Then warmer.  Cinder was in & out.  Then in all day.

    I met JR for supper at Jalisco's.  Had a nice visit.  They were busy but not packed.  Then JR went in the grocery store to get me lunch meat.  Saved me a trip to Dillon's.  I have everything else I need.

    My iWatch today somehow went into zoom mode.  All I could see  was part of one giant letter.  I was clueless.  I googled & got a short video that did not help.  I finally went to my app on my iPhone.  And turned zoom off there.  Worked.  Do not need it anyway.  Battery is getting worse.  Either need a new one or new watch.

    Pictures from CF & his fiance.  They are in Nebraska so I have directed them to a Mexican restaurant part of our Jalisco's family called El Puerto.  Told them to take photos when they eat there.  I used to know several workers there but they have moved on to South Dakato.  Would love to visit them there.  Looks beautiful.

    Photos are sort of autumn-like.  I took a couple of them.


003/2025 Fredag the 07th - Wandering & Capturing Moments

  Today's Name Day:   Camilla I was in school with a girl named Camille.  We knew each other but not friends.  She was a year older ...