National Ugly Sweater Day
Today's Name Day is Assar
Not the best of days but ended sort of better. Waited all day yesterday for my credit card company to call to help me fix my card app. I got nada. Finally this afternoon my patience died. I called them. The first helper did nothing for me, Not sure she had a clue what I tried to tell her. Called a second time. This helper actually got it. She transfered me to the right department. And gave me their phone number. I got a guy who knew his stuff. He had me do a couple of things & it finally worked!!! Miracle!!! He instructed me to wait a while then delete then entire program & reload it, I almost needed a shot of tequila. I was terrified I would have to call him back, But it loaded right up with no problem. He assured me that my bank, etc. was not the problem but something in the software. Thank you so much Leonard!!!
Nico was even good while I was on the phone, That is a major shock!! And a blessing. Last night he seemed different. Really worried me. But today he was just Nico. I think his time is short. And I am terrified. But I will have to face that alone. Trust me. I will be extra invisible at that time.
I had some Amazon supplies on the porch so I took Nico out while I opened boxes, sorted things, organized boxes. It was chilly out but not too bad. We both needed some fresh air.
I pretty much cancelled today. I just did not have it in me to go to town & eat. I am out of some food things here but I won't starve. Nico & I shared pasta. Pretty good.
Early this afternoon I watched Home Alone 1. I love that movie. And I love when the spider is on the one bad guy!!! I got the giggles!!! Needed to giggle!
A small series of bad things happened tonight & I ended up having a major meltdown. Losing Nico is really getting to me. And Christmas is not helping. In one month I lost my best friend, my mom, & my husband. All with no support group or family support.
At least they were not all in the same year!!! Christmas & family ended for me when Mom died. I have tried to do cards but just cannot handle the stress. I used to make all my own cards. No more!! I thought I had family support when Willie died but how wrong I was. What a shock to me. How did I miss their real feelings?
I taped the daytime Emmy awards show. So much better than watch that way. I can fast forward through the people & shows I do not care about, Then I watch the commercials. It usually seems the awards are rather one sided, But the best actor & actress were from my show!! That never happens.
I am still pouting about never getting snow here. We cannot even get normal winter weather. I wrote on FB about my feelings. Those summer loving people always get the weather they want. It is almost always hot, sunny, no rain. But I rarely get what I enjoy. And I am not alone. I belong to a group that dislikes summer. They give lots of support to each other.
Have too many photos on my phone so have some sorted & deleted. THAT makes me stressed.,
Photos are the seasonal ones again.
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