Monday, January 1, 2024

01/2024 Måndag the 1st -- Wandering & Capturing Moments


National Bloody Mary Day

No name day today 
I think I have this all organized so blogging will be
easier.   I think!  So far ok.

JR & I went to Salina to Big Cheese Pizza last night. My hernia acted up so not a good meal for me.  We knew of an ice cream place & tried to find it.  Found one place that was not ice cream.  Then found our place that was closed.  Settled for Arby's for a turnover & a cookie.  Then home.

I stayed up late watching CNN.  I enjoy Anderson Cooper.  Especially when he gets the giggles.  Fun when the year changed.  There was nothing here in Kansas.  Such a fun state we are.  HA!  We were switched to Austin Texas.   Boring.  Two ladies I had no idea who they were who just could not shut up. They almost talked through the year changing.  Went to bed on that low note.

Not the best night.  Cried more than once.  This is not a good week in any way.  Stayed up late playing with some photos for a project.  Not a pleasant project.  I want this week over in the worst way.  Hope I survive.  Feeling super alone.  And the next week has one unpleasant day.  That one is no biggie.

Cold last night & today.  But the sun is now out so I think it is warmer, but it is not.  It is  32F now.  Will stay normal temps & maybe snow on friday & monday.  I can dream.  Have not had a prayer answered yet this week.  Not that I ask for much.

Supper will be leftover pizza.  Will be good.  Have it figured out how to reheat or eat it cold.  But my Pepsi is gone.  Left with water or juice.

My nephew was here yesterday.  Said he could come get some of the huge mountain of boxes outside to burn.  That would be nice.  I need to sort them for my next trash day.

Photos are NYE again.  Last holiday photos.  Stick with winter photos.  Yesterday I took ton of photos in town  Nothing too exciting.

Just got my keyboard changed to Swedish.  Finally.  Feel more at home now.

Nico seems more relaxed than usual.  Nice for us both.  He has stayed snuggled pretty close.  What does he sense I wonder?

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003/2025 Lördag the 08th - Wandering & Capturing Moments

  Today's Name Day:   Saga, Siv     Had a great day today.  I had extra photos to do today.  Someone left her family photos.  Many had n...