Saturday, April 6, 2024

04/2024 Lördag the 6th - Wandering & Capturing Moments


National Handmade Day

Today's Name Day: Vilhelm, William

My husband's Name Day!

    I have had not a bad day.  Quiet with some slight stress.  Supposed to have severe storms today.  My weather alarm went off.  I checked the radar.  The radar was nothing & moving away from here.  Good.  Just the extremely strong winds we have had since yesterday.  Almost blew me off the porch a couple of times.  Yikes!!!

    The National Day today was not listed on the official site.  It was on a place I shop at & I liked it.  Something different.  Growing up I only. had homemade clothes.  I was almost in junior high when on a trip to Denver Mom actually bought me a summer outfit of a knit shirt & pedal pushers.  I must have worn it until it was rags!  I loved it!!!  I never got store bought clothes!!  It was turquoise.

    I got to thinking about trusting my iWatch to read my pulse correctly.  So today I started doing my own pulse & keeping track.  Not even close.  I will only trust me from now on.  I had a good pulse day.  😄

    Weather was a bit warmer today & last night.  Hard to keep the house one temperature that is comfy.  But has not been too bad.

    The wind has bothered Cinder.  She wants to go out until I open the door & she hears the roar of the wind.  Then she just sits & looks at me.   Take 3-4 tries before she actually goes out.  Sighs........

    Weekend TV just sucks.  Hard to find anything interesting.  Finally tonight I found something not too bad.  Should have started looking for a movie earlier.  Too late now.  At least I have Saturday Night Live to look forward to.

    Mostly no communication with anyone.  All too busy.  Oh well their choice not mine.

    Photos are ones I have taken in the past -- mostly when I fed birds in my yard,


My favorite bird!  Junko or snow bird.

    This is a lake in a park in a neighboring town.  Fun to go there to take photos.

A tree in a local park.

This is a common weed that grows here called henbit.  It is always purple.  You can see a few purple blooms in this photo.  Several years ago I had a small patch of it that was white.  That is rare.  I googled it.  I took lots of photos of them.  Never seen white ones again but I keep hoping.

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003/2025 Söndag the 09th - Wandering & Capturing Moments

  They were near my house this afternoon.  You can see the first one was giving me the once or twice over!! 😃 Today's Name Day:   Torbj...