Wednesday, July 3, 2024

07/2024 Onsdag the 03rd - Wandering & Capturing Moments


National Compliment Your Mirror Day 

Always talk good to yourself!

Today's Name Day: Aurora

    Had a great day!!  Slept so-so  Best I can expect.  Up early to get ready for work.  I am sooo ready!

    When I got to work it was raining lightly..  Within a couple hours it was raining for real.

    I had more photos to finish from List A.  Then I started on List B.  I found another of photo of bestie John but cannot figure out where he was.  Just nice to see him.  He is missed.  There was a wedding photo from 1950.  I did not know them.  My former doctor's nurse from ages ago.  She was sweet.  Fun to see who I find. 

    And great news there at work,  Will not say what yet.  But good news.  We had lots of fun conversations.  I like being there!

    Cinder really wanted to go outside when I went to work but the chance of storms made me tell her no.  But she is out now.  No bad weather here yet.

    Tomorrow is the 4th of July, a yearly holiday here in the US.  Will talk about it tomorrow. We always were included in fireworks with relatives but those days are long gone.  Partly because of Willie & his dementia & because of our daughter who spoke about private conversations & pretty much ruined my being included in anything family.  I don't care anymore.  No fireworks in town & I won't drive at night in heavy traffic,  Sorry.  No place open to eat for supper.  Will wait until friday.

    Supper was Mexican again.  Really good.  They never asked if I wanted beef or chicken,  I forgot to tell them beef.  I got chicken.  It was good so no problem..  Due to the rain we just had dessert in the restaurant.  We were joking with our waiter about the mess a child had made,  And in the process I learned a new phrase.  Cool!

 I knew the first two but not the third one!! I know it now!! Fun!
    JR needed groceries when in the store, he bought me something he was sure I would like.  Cannot wait to try it!!!  Deliciosa!  What a treat!!
    Photos are some I took today & years ago.  All but the 4th photo are taken by me sometime.

Today in my drive way

Today in my drive way

Tuesday, July 2, 2024

07/2024 Tisdag the 02nd - Wandering & Capturing Moments


Family Day

    The photos in this collage were all taken today, except of course Nico.  The minute I got home Cinder came to lay on me purring & rubbing me with her paw.  Kisse was taken this morning when I woke up.  There are no words to say how much I miss Nico,  The pain never leaves me.

Today's Name Day: Rosa, Rosita

    Had a good & busy day.  Nice to be out & about.  Need to just go alone even if no one wants to go with me.  The open road is healing, whether early or late.

    I was up a bit early to do my hair & makeup.  And eat lunch early.  Cinder went out & back in before the heat hit.  Or stormy weather.

    Severe stormy weather west of Wichita & in Wichita all tonight around supper time here.  High winds with limbs falling down. Heavy rain & flooding.  Loss of electricity.  Traffic lights not working.  Calmer therev now.  Maybe severe storms here late tonight as storms move into Kansas from Colorado.

    I had a doctor's appointent in Hutchinson with my diabetic doctor.  After being gone for months he is finally back,  I prefer his PA.  She is super nice & acts like she cares.

     My one med is almost twice the cost than it was.  Up to $500 a month.  😱  That is awful.  They think it will go back down since this was probably the new year for my meds.  One would hope.  My PA , Sara, got paper work to get me cheaper meds.  Nice.  No other doctor has cared.  Or tried.  And starting me on a new drug to see if it helps my feet.  I feel better.  Nice when someone cares.  I know too many who do not care about me at all.  I get tired of being left out & ignored.  Especially just recently.  Not just left out & ignored, but nthen laughed at when actions hurt me.

    Driving to Hutch & back it rained every so often.  Not for long & not much.  The temp was at 99F or down to 88F in rain.  Really felt miserable out.

    The last time I was to that office it was really painful to walk from the car to the building to the office.  But using a cane is a life saver.  No pain at all.  Awesome.  Nice that life is a bit easier.

    On the way home I stopped in McPherson at Arby's to get something for supper.  Then I took a spin through the Lakeside Park & by the swimming pool.  Thank god I did not drive there a year ago.  I would have seen a large gathering of my family members that I did not know  were here for several days in McPherson & in Lindsborg.  What a shock.  If I had seen them I would have wrecked my car!!  I just recently found out they all gathered & did not include me. Or even tell me about their trip here.  Just made sure I saw photos from their time here.  And when I told them my feelings were hurt, I got laughed at.

    When I got home Cinder came to lay on my chest just for attention.  I think she missed me.  She is the best.

    I got the cutest photo of my nephew & great nephew.  I saved it, of course.  Nice that I am included sometimes.  Thanks to my daughter, she created some family difficulties there so I can not get included in holidays, etc.  I understand.  It is ok.  I manage to survive.

    Changing weather & I have increased pain.  Hurts to drive ---- sore hands & a sore leg.  I have adjusted in some way.  I rarely use pain cream anymore.  I have to really have bad pain.

    Photos are a mix again.  The magazine photos I edited in several ways.


Only my editing

My photo

My photo of a Swedish Christmas candle holder.  It spins & makes chimes.

Magazine photo

Magazine photo

Magazine photo

My photos

Monday, July 1, 2024

07/2024 Måndag the 01tst - Wandering & Capturing Moments


Canada Day

The July 1 holiday to commemorate Canada’s Confederation became official in 1879, and was originally called Dominion Day. It marks the day the British North America Act came into effect in 1867, effectively creating the Dominion of Canada out of three British colonies: the United Province of Canada (now the provinces of Ontario and Quebec), plus New Brunswick and Nova Scotia. Confederation was an administrative change, not a revolution.

Today's Name Day: Aron, Mirjam

    A better day.  Not as much pain. Sleep not good but it never is.  Weather was too hot.  I saw 102F.  Cinder stayed in while I was in town for supper.  Smart cat.

    I got a nice nap but no cat was near me.  Makes me sad.  Nice to have Cinder cuddle with me.  I was up earlier than usual.  I had things to do.

    JR & I had supper at Jalisco's.  They were a little busy.  Nice to see them all.

    I have trouble with eczema or psoriasis that affects my scalp.  And gets worse.  I bought a combination shampoo/conditioner that is medicated.  So far I feel better.  Last few shampoos I itch right away.  No itching,  Yet.  Fingers crossed.

    Today was my best friend & his partner's first anniversary.  Too far away to get to help celebrate.

    Another friend sent word he is headed out of town for the next month for a health treatment.  I am quite worried for him.  And he will be too far away to go visit.  And maybe he will be too sick to have visitors.  .  Have some spiritual prayers I say.  Hope they help.

    When someone has broken the trust I had in them it is hard to believe anything they say.  I asked someone close to me a simple question & got a simple answer.  Should be no problem.  But I have wondered ever since if the answer was a lie or not.  Hard to trust again.

    Dessert was a Tropical Sno cone again.  Enclosed a photo of them today.  I am addicted to them.

    Photos are a mix of things from my memories.


Dessert place!

Abandoned church in Lost Springs, I think.  At one time there was someone working on it  Anytime I am near, I always new photos.

Took this but do not remember where.

My photo.

Maybe my photo

Autumn photo

07/2024 Onsdag the 03rd - Wandering & Capturing Moments

  National Compliment Your Mirror Day  Always talk good to yourself! Today's Name Day: Aurora      Had a great day!!  Slept so-so  Best ...