Wednesday, July 31, 2024

07/2024 Onsdag the 31st - Wandering & Capturing Moments


National Mutt Day

Both of these 2 dogs of ours are "mutts".  Or mixed breed dogs.  We loved them lots.

Today's Name Day: Elin, Helena

    What a day!!!  Not at all what I expected.  Ended up ok but getting there was interesting.

    Today was a work day.  I started on folder "E" and I finished it by quitting time!!! YAY!!!  Folder ""F" on friday!

    But during the day we had visitors that reported a swarm of bees in one of our trees.  Called a known bee keeper & he came to check them out.  And then he removed them. I have photos to share at the end of my blog.

    While working someone got royally upset with me on Lindsborg Now.  I explained I was at work  had not thoroughly read the offending post & he was right that it was offensive.  I apologised. I removed it & gave the person who posted it a warning that the next time I would ban them.  Not a good way to settle a problem.  There is always something or someone.  The person who texted me thanked me so all is well there.

    Supper was Mexican & snow cone for dessert.  About halfway done with our cones, the severe weather hit.  YIKES!!!  The wind came in & scared me a lot!!!  I have been in a tornado before that almost destroyed our home.  We had to run for cover.  I got injured.  The trees bent over.  The air was full of lots of dirt & leaves & sticks & got knows what swirling around.  The car rocked!!  That was awful.  I kept quiet.

    When we left a fire truck was going out of town.  We thought to the south but the fire is east of town.  Maybe they were going to arrive at the fire in a different dirrection.  Someone wrote it was a huge fire.  With this wind that is really scary.

    I drove by the Old Mill to check on our Swedish Pavilion that is structurely unsound.  When I left town is was standing with nothing blowing off of it.  We are raising money to repair it.  At almost half there.  But we worry.  I called my boss to report to her.

    I drove home & it was fairly quiet.  No signs of rain or branches down.  Got home & Cinder headed outside.  BUT.  I did not hear the rain start. When I did I checked on Cinder.  It is pouring down!!!  She was hiding on the porch.  I had to move all sorts of stuff around to open a path for her to the door.  All the while I got soaked!!!  Water got on my scalp & ran down my face.  Lovely.  Need to shut the AC down.  It is 66F outside & after being 100 earlier.  Have to grab my second blanket when I go to bed.  Good sleeping!!

    That is all the excitement I have to share.  That is enough!!!


My coworkers & the bee keeper looking at the swarm.  That is my white car!!!

These are the bees.  😱

This is the bee keeper.  He would brush bees into the box & take them away.  By the time he got back those that flew away were back.  Repeated this 3-4 times.  Lucky to have him.

Tuesday, July 30, 2024

07/2024 Tisdag the 30th - Wandering & Capturing Moments


International Friendship Day

I am proud to have many friends in other countries --- Sweden, Morocco, Nigeria, Mexico, Finland, Spain, Canada. Plus many friends here who are from other countries.   They all add to my life.

Today's Name Day: Algot

    Another quiet day at home.  Had little sleep & a poor nap, Thanks to Cinder who kept bothering me.  I will survive!

    I did manage to shampoo my hair & style it.  Either that or call in sick to work tomorrow!!  Just need to decide what to wear.  Anything will be too warm.  Up to at least 100+ today.  Felt like 110.

    Super hot again tomorrow & chance of severe storms.  See how it plays out.

    I had a really yummy supper meal.  Small pieces of chicken & pasta in a garlic sauce.  I will definitely order again,  I still have no appetite so hard to eat it all.  But did manage a cookie too.  Needed the carbs.

    Today was just the best day ever!!!  My friend AA got discharged from the hospital & is back home! He had a video that brought tears to my eyes showing him leave the hospital..  Seeing him with his fiance was awesome.  He is staying with his mom for now.  And is in isolation for 2 months.  Whatever to keep him safe!!!  I hope to see him sometime this week.  Been too long!!!

    Cinder is out. Even though too hot.  I keep checking on her.  When it is bedtime I will call her but nothing. Then I get ready.  When I get back to the door she is there.  Takes her a while to decided if to come in or not.

    Photos are nothing special.  Mostly ones I have edited for fun.



Monday, July 29, 2024

07/2024 MÃ¥ndag the 29th - Wandering & Capturing Momentstoday


National Lasagna Day

I was a day early yesterday.  I had lasagne for supper.  Just needed some garlic bread with it.  Next time.

Today's Name Day: Olle, Olof

    Not much to write about today.  But supper tonight was spaghetti & meatballs.  Two huge meatballs.  I left half of one.  Too much.

    Last night Kisse actually came to bed, curled up & stayed for a long time nexnt to me.  Very cool.  She is changing a little.  She used to sleep with Nico & I but then moved elsewhere & stayed there.  No one pushed away.  We all napped together this afternoon.  Cinder curled up with me a couple of times.

    Texts from my boss who got home today from a trip to see her new grandbaby.  And MM & all who stayed in KC overnight after the ball game.  Otherwise my day was very quiet.

    I ordered a new cane to use & it arrived today.  Pretty soft pink in color.  It is a totally different shape.  I think it will be helpful.  I hope.  Will put my old one in the car trunk in case I forget the other one at home.

    Sleeping ok.  I seem to wake up at the same times each night.  But I go back to sleep pretty fast.  At least this week.  Most pain is in my hands/wrists.  Awful.

    Still have raging depression.  Just stays the same.  Lots of reasons.  No sense to talk about them.  Trying not to feel sorry for me.  Not working.

    Still playing with my new apps in editing photos.  Something I enjoy doing.

    Had 2 thunderstorms last night.  Both had lots of lightning, the second one more than the first.  There was some flooding west of here.  We got up to 100F today.  Weatherman said no heat relief for maybe 2 weeks.  Nice.  Not helping how I feel.  Even eating out does not sound fun.

    Photos are a mix of things.


Sunday, July 28, 2024

07/2024 Söndag the 28th - Wandering & Capturing Momentstoday

National Milk Chocolate Day 

It is ok but I prefer dark chocolate.  It is healthier.

Today's Name Day: Botvid, Seved

    I stayed home today.  Just not feeling good.  Always in pain.  That is normal, but my depression is worse today.  Just cancelled today rather than pretend I am ok.  And I am extra tired.  Slept ok but just not perky.

    My day started ok.  Had a photo of my great grandson SM & his dog.  Two cuties.  Then I saw many photos later where his parents took him to Kansas City for his first ball game.  Looked like a successful trip!!  We used to go to a lot of KC games.  A friend would rent a bus & off we would go.  I do not care for American sports but KC was always fun.  Shopping, eating, people watching.  And fun times on the bus!!

    Have a couple of new photo apps so I played a little.  Always fun.

    Weather was so-so.  Had a thunderstorm last night.  No clue how much rain but lots & lots of lightning.  Nice. High was 98F today but with very strong winds,  And it will only get hotter.  Right now there is a severe thunderstorm in western Kansas.  See if we get anything from it. Not holding my breath.

    Cinder was out most of the day.  In now.  Sleeping near me.  While I nap Kisse napped on my bed.  She likes the covers all fluffed up.

    Supper time.  No appetite but that is ok.  See what I will fix..  I just reached in the fridge to see what was closest.  It was lasagna.  It was quite good.  Must order that again.  I really scarfed it down.  Had a cookie for dessert.


Saturday, July 27, 2024

07/2024 Lördag the 27th - Wandering & Capturing Momentstoday


National Day of the Cowboy

I am not a particular fan of western stuff but this photos reminds me of Utah.  Love the land there.  Would love to return.

Today's Name Day: Marta

    A nice day at home.  No plans plus I slept pretty good & had a nice nap.  Both cats were lazy & did not wake me up early.

    I had things I wanted to do but no energy.  And too much pain.  So I rested.

    MM wrote to me & said he bring me supper tonight.  He works at the American Legion.  Last night they had a Swedish meal.  I really wanted to go but was afraid I would end up going alone & sitting alone.  I am not a member & not really friends with anyone who is.  But he brought me food from there.  Excellent.  Swedish meatballs, potatis skorv, potatoes, green beans.  I added a pudding cup.  And lingonberries on the meat balls,  Excellent meal!!

    MM & I had a long texting session last night.  We were honest & open with each other.  I treasure moments like that.  I am so grateful he lives close,  Not many people I can depend on but he is one.

    Weather was ok today.  Saw 93F for our high.  Last nice day for a week.  Tuesday & Wednesday are to be 110F.  Yikes!!  I am more than ready for autumn.

    When MM called & said he would be here soon, I went outside to sit with Cinder.  I know how much she misses Cinder to be with.  So she stayed close to me. I gave her lots of petting & she gave it back.  She climbed & ran.  And stretched out.  I took photos the entire time.  Those are my photos tonight

    While sitting outside a deer came running from the north, across my driveway, & south to our pond.  I was hoping it would come back but never did.  I got no photo.  Usually there is a couple together.  He was not too big,  And while out a turkey vulture flew over Cinder & I.  Huge shadow!!!  Probably hoping we were dying!!!  What a buffet for them!


Friday, July 26, 2024

07/2024 Fredag the 26th - Wandering & Capturing Momentstoday


Wedding Anniversary

We would have been married for 58 years today.  We eloped to a judge's office.  No one ever gave us a reception, shower or anything.  We had a lot of good years before health issues took its toll.  I mourn for the years we lost

Today's Name Day: Jasmine, Jesper

    Had a good day today.  As long as I stayed out of the sun & outdoors!!
    I got up early to get ready for work.  I got dressed, did my hair, etc.  Went to the living room, turned on my soaps on TV, fixed lunch & ate.  Not one cat appeared!  I decided to just go to work quietly so Cinder would be in the house instead the heat.  Got home at 7pm & they were still sleeping.  What a couple of lazy slackers!!  Cinder came & went outside.  It is in the 80s now.  A bit cooler tomorrow then super hot after that!!
    My weight loss shot is really working.  I have a fridge full of food & nothing looks or tastes good. Hope I lose those 10 pounds I just added.
    Work was fun, even though my friend & boss is away.  I finished the photo folder of "D" last names.  Got the "E" folder ouot & sorted the photos according to size.  Ready for next week.  I always look for something unusual or special whether old or young to share.  I found a perfect one today.  I knew the two adults in the photos but not the 5 little kids around them.  Just a few. minutes after I shared it the kids had been named!!  Will add names to the back of the photo & the copy of it next week.
    The smoke continues.  I do not quite feel normal but not too bad. I walked down my hallway at sunset & saw the sun in the west.  A bright red.  Have to try for a photo tomorrow.
    Supper was Mexican & snow cone for dessert.  One of the waitstaff has moved away. With his wife & daughter.  She just recently got here from Mexico but does not like my town.  She has no one to talk to.  She only speaks Spanish.  I will miss him.  Known him for many years.  One other worker I had not seen in a while but he was working tonight.  Glad..  I like him.  Another one thought he was going to visit Mexico again but no money.. I want him to stay.  He just a sweet young guy.  Smiles easi;ly.
    Photos are new ones I took today.  Mostly at the Old Mill.  Just little things that caught my eye.  So some of them are odd.  I have not got out to photo things in the country.  There was a house that had gorgeous flowers I wanted park by it for photos. But.  People were going in the house.  It is a bed & breakfast.  Poo.  Will get them another day.

003/2025 Fredag the 07th - Wandering & Capturing Moments

  Today's Name Day:   Camilla I was in school with a girl named Camille.  We knew each other but not friends.  She was a year older ...