Monday, July 8, 2024

07/2024 Måndag the 08th - Wandering & Capturing Moments


National Raspberry Day

Today's Name Day: Kjell

    Another day of nothing.  Another night of no sleep.  I worried all night if I should get JR to help with trash & then eat out.  Or not.  But with no sleep there is no time for a nap.  Sheesh.  Once I decided to do trash alone & forget eating out I relaxed.  Then I got a couple of hours of sleep in the morning.  I awoke surrounded by my kids.  Kisse was in the window watching our yard full of black birds. Fun to watch her head bob watching them land & fly away then land again.  Her mouth was open part of the time.  Vicious looking!!  She knew if she had a chance she could do the large birds major damage!!  HAHA.  I doubt that!!

 Here they are when I woke up. 
    Got too warm today.  I saw 90 after my nap.  Barely a breeze.  But low humidity.  That helps.  Will be in the hundreds come this weekend but no chance of rain.  Of course.

    I got my trash bags our after my nap.  I thought I only had 3.  Wrong.  Had at least 6.  Only 2 were sort of heavy.  Not bad.  There is food scraps in one so I strapped down the trash bin lid.  Otherwise it would be tipped over & a mess all over the yard.  Raccoons are a mess!!!  Got a few boxes in a bin also.

    Quiet day on FB.  I remain unseen.  OK I guess.  But a few things I shared people liked.  Just no one to talk to.

    Photos today are ones I copied from an online magazine I read.  So all the photos are of birds.  We have no birds of that kind of beauty here.  Wish we did.  Saw on the nation news that large flocks of parrots from Mexico have moved to California.  They are not sure why.  Some people think they are too loud.  Other like them.  I would love them here.  How fun.


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10/2024 Onsdag the 09th - Wandering & Capturing Moments

Leif Erickson Day Today's Name Day:  Inger, Ingrid     Had a great day.  Slept pretty good.  Except for Cinder waking me once trying to ...