Saturday, September 21, 2024

09/2024 Fredag the 20th - Wandering & Capturing Moments


Latin American Heritage Month
    Dear to my heart.  I have many many hispanic or Latino friends.  They are the best,

Today's Name Day:  Elise, Lisa

    Had a good day, but I was beyond tired all day.  Had trouble getting to sleep last nite & took a pill..  It kept working all day.  I fell asleep before going to work,  Thankfully I set my alarm or I would have missed work!!!  I struggled all afternoon.  I did not want to fall asleep in front of my coworkers.  Luckily LL had some new videos of old Hyllningsfest parades.  So fun to watch & they woke me up.  Whew.
    Supper was Mexican.  I ate maybe half.  My shot for my blood sugar & weight is hitting me hard.  It should get better.  Ice cream for dessert.
    I was watching the radar & we soon were in a warning for a severe weather.  I decided to hit the road.  We walked out of Jalisco's & it looked & felt stormy,  Drove half a blodk & blinding rain it.  With high winds.  Part way home I drove out of it.  No idea how much fell.  More is on the way.  Great.  💦💧
    Too hot today.  Mid 90s.  Ick.  About the same tomorrow until the rain starts.  Then it cools down. Sunday is in the 60s.  Awesome.  About time.
    Cinder was lazy this morning & sound asleep when I went to work.  When I got when got home  she wanted out but it was thundering.  Very loud.  She thought better of it.  The storm was gone, but she stayed in.  Not asked again.
    I took a nap after supper.  When I woke up I was clueless where I was.  Not had that happen for a long time!  Had the wrong day in my mind & what was on TV.  Did not take long to get on track again.  When I worked at the hospital I laid down after getting home one day.  I set my alarm.  Because it was winter it was dark early in the evening.  Alarm went off & I thought it was morning & I was late to work.  I hit the panic button!!!  I picked up the phone to call in.  Thank God I realised before I dialed all was ok.  But I am sure my blood pressure was super high!!! 
    Photos are a mix of things.  I know I took several of them.
I took this photo.  A large fuel tank that has since moved elsewhere.  I timed this one just perfect.

   A painting of the Old Mill that I took a photo of .  Do not remember the artist.

These 2 photos of clouds I took this afternoon.  They were so cool looking.  Someone in Lindsborg Now did the same.  I made these HDR.


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10/2024 Lördag the 05th - Wandering & Capturing Moments

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