Saturday, November 30, 2024

11/2024 Lördag the 30th - Wandering & Capturing Moments


Today's Name Day:  Anders, Andreas

    Mini blog.  Quiet day.  No nap.  Could not relax..

    Actually got a couple of texts from MM.  Nice to finally hear from him.  I try not to bother anyone.  Heard from JS yesterday.  He could not video with me as he was video chatting with my neighbour.  Lucky RP!!!  Not heard from him today.  IF we can only talk in messages, will send him a message.  I seem to never come first with those who are first with me.  Been like that since I was around 7 or 8 years old.  Used to it.  Still hurts.

    Bits of snow this morning while I slept.  My friend LH got a video of her daughter outside with snow flakes.  Hardly any.  Kansas City got lots of snow.  I won't get excited about snow here until & if we get any,

    Sat outside to do my stretches.  Then took photos of leaves, etc.  Outside is nice.

    Photos are nothing special.  I just like them.


Friday, November 29, 2024

11/2024 Fredag the 29th - Wandering & Capturing Moments


    No blog again today.  Just home & no one is texting or calling me.  Normal day.  Even MM must be too busy to text so no great grandson photos.  Staying home & not eating out tonight or tomorrow night,  Just do not have it in me.  I never see anyone so no one there to miss me.  And if someone did miss me then they need to ask me for a change.
    Finished the Elvis 1968 special.  It was great.  I was lucky enough to see him live in 1974.
    Photos are nothing of any importance to me or anyone else.  Just something to fill space with.

Thursday, November 28, 2024

11/2024 Torsdag the 28th - Wandering & Capturing Moments

 Today's Name Day: Malte

No blog today.  Just photos.  I have nothing to say today.  Just rested with my cats.  No texts or anything from most.  A couple of surprises.


Wednesday, November 27, 2024

11/2024 Onsdag the 27th - Wandering & Capturing Moments


Today's Name Day:  Asta, Astrid

    Today was not a total bad day.  Loved the rain & cold temps.  No snow here, of course.

    Started with lunch with LL at the White Peacock.  It was pretty quiet when I first got there but it picked up later.

    I was hoping to see a friend who eats there often but he never came in.  Not heard much from him, but others have.  Maybe busy.  Who knows??

    Today was a work day.  I feel like I will never get done with Folder S.  No special photos to share in Lindsborg Nostalgia.  There were several photos of family that were not so pleasant.  Family that does not get along.  Glad it was only photos!!  But there was a couple of a Swedish friend that spent time in town several years ago.  I am sending him copies!!!  He is a cool friend!!

    Supper was Mexican.  They were busy.  PR had his brother there from Nebraska.  I know a couple of his brothers but never met this one.  I think MA did not charge for our dessert.  Very nice of him.  I had a flan.  While leaving a friend from Swedish club came to say hello.  Sure was nice to see her.  Like her a lot!!

    Picked up some groceries.  Now home.  Time for Spanish lesson.  Easy this round.  So far!!

    Photos all taken today.


Old Mill

Tuesday, November 26, 2024

11/2024 Tisdag the 26th - Wandering & Capturing Moments


National Cake Day

I know this is an American day but I chose a Swedish cake.  This is a Princesstårta.  A birthday cake in Sweden.  To die for.  But sadly in my Swedish town we never have one.

Today's Name Day:  Linus

    Today could have been better.  Slept ok with no pain,  But got up & severe pain hit my usual troublesome leg.  I gave up.  First thing was to call my eye dr, to reschedule my eye dialation.

    The girl who answered the phone at the eye dr. office was so sweet.  Many times when calling in somewhere the person is less than caring,  Sometimes even rude.  She was sweet & said caring things to me.  What a nice way to be treated & to feel,  Hope she had a great day

    Got down to  22 last night,  Great sleeping.  The high was 50.  No breeze until after the trash guys here so my boxes were safe.  Still have a couple of bags to carry out.  Later.

    Cinder did not eat much for a while.  I was worried about her.  Now she has her appetite back.  So she is eating her dry food & a special "soup" I get for her.  Plus whatever she can trick me out of.  She is super cuddly when I am in the kitchen.  Love it!!!

    Had one text from MM today.  Then JR & a cousin shared several funny things.

    Saw photos from Colorado today.  Snowy.  I wish I was there somewhere but not driving.  We have a slight chance of rain/snow tomorrow that will not amount to much.

    Photos are seasonal,


I love this photo.  It is a building that was going to be torn down so someone filled each window with a model in a beautiful outfit, posing.  Then had a photos taken.  Great shot!!!

This is taken of my yard.  Just south of my house..  I added a fake snowman.

Love this photo!!

This barn is not too far from my farm.  It has a sunflower mural painted on it,  I love this photo of it in the snow,

Monday, November 25, 2024

11/2024 Måndag the 25th - Wandering & Capturing Moments


Blasé Day


There are also several ways to express your blasé feelings. Meh. Yawn. Tune out. Use #BlaseDay to post on social media.

Today's Name Day: Katarina, Katja

    Today was ok but lonely & quiet.  I finally got a text from MM.  I feel forgotten.  And I should just be quiet about how I feel.  I read somewhere that 90% of people do not care how you feel & the other 10% are glad you are miserable.  I believe that.  

    I have decided to just stay home until wednesday.  I feel ok but just too depressed to care.  Also read that chronic pain makes depression worse.  Well, no duh.

    Low last night was around 31 & the high was in the 40s.  Rain/snow put back in for wednesday.  Not much of either.

    No plans for Thanksgiving.  Wish JR would give an opinion.  Makes me more depressed when there is most likely no where to eat.  Holidays ended when Mom died.  Celebrating at the nursing home is better than alone.

    Took trash outside today.  Sat out for a while.  Little birds were gathering in my evergreen tree  for the night.  They were quiet.

    Photos are seasonal & a few were cute.


003/2025 Fredag the 07th - Wandering & Capturing Moments

  Today's Name Day:   Camilla I was in school with a girl named Camille.  We knew each other but not friends.  She was a year older ...