Friday, December 6, 2024

12/2024 Fredag the 06th - Wandering & Capturing Moments


            Today's Name Day:  Niklas, Nikolaus

    Today was ok.  Even warmed up a bit in to the 40s.  It literally stay at 19F on my farm all night.  I was cold all night even with the heat up a bit.
    I skipped going to Hutch again.  Just too cold.  Next week.  Hope I will be walking better.
    Work was good.  Gained a lot.  But when I stopped for the day I was left with a tall pile of photos with no last names.  LL & I will tackle those next wednesday.  If no one knows their names it just makes my work go faster.  No big deal,
    Supper was Mexican.  I even spoke some Spanish to a couple of them.  And they understood.  Bravo!!!
    No ice cream downtown.  They did not have my faves.  Not in the mood to eat something I do not care for.  I am giving up on them.  We ended up getting ice cream sandwiches at Dollar General.  They were good,
    I filled my car with fuel. The price was $2.73.  Wow.  Dirt cheap.
    I am tired of holidays.  Tired of watching the world have family & friends.  Tired of giving & giving but never getting anything back that I need.  My birthday this year lands on a sunday.  I have decided that I am staying home or going out alone.  As a child I never had my birthday remembered.  Only once, When I turned 13, I think.  All my Christmas gifts always said "and Happy Birthday too".  Nice.  As an adult we only did with our kids.  Never did an adult birthday ---- weekend away, steak instead of pizza.  Willie's friends would make sure we celebrated his birthday but I was totally ignored  I just want to be alone.  MA even mentioned it to me but they are not open on a sunday evening,  And a noon lunch is out unless I go alone.
    Got home & started on my blog.  My laptop refused to save my photos that I had edited,  I almost threw it across the living room.  I finally deleted them & started again,  I think all is well.


I want a day or two like this one.

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003/2025 Söndag the 09th - Wandering & Capturing Moments

  They were near my house this afternoon.  You can see the first one was giving me the once or twice over!! 😃 Today's Name Day:   Torbj...