Friday, January 31, 2025

01/2025 Fredag the 31th - Wandering & Capturing Moments


Today's Name Day:  Ivar

    I had a great day.  Met MM in town to help him with a project.  Then I had lunch at the White Peacock --- a yummy muffin!  Visited with MH, artist, for a bit.  Then I returned to my car to charge my phone.
    When the SVAFC opened I went there.  JR joined me,  His photography show opened today.  Had a nice array of guests who came in to view his photos.  Several stayed to visit.. It was a pleasant afternoon..  And I learned lots of history about our town,  Love that,
    His photos look really good on the walls.  I just took general photos,  Most are black & white.  My fave.  But there are some in color.  I think there are a total of around 85 photos.  I am proud of him.  And I am proud of my part in making it happen,
    Supper was Mexican.  The owner had been in Mexico & is home.  Had a nice visit.  The other waiter had said his wife & daugher were moving away soon but have changed their minds.  I am glad.  I enjoy her learning English & I can sort of practice my spanish, poor as it is!!
    I told MA that I should have went to Mexico when he asked me & when I was capable of going.  But he told me about a train from New Mexico or Arizona that goes into Mexico.  He said there is a hotel there.  No steps.  I could ride the train back & forth all I wanted,  It is a thought.  It is a great idea.  Nice to have hope!!!
    I thought of needing some groceries but changed my mind.  Too tired,  Came home to nap.  Felt good.  Cinder snuggled with me the entire time.  Nice.
    Temp got up to 51F today.  We had fog early on & two periods of rain for a grand total of .26".  Won't end our drought,
    Doing my blog is better today.  See if my luck continues.

Thursday, January 30, 2025

01/2025 Torssdag the 30th - Wandering & Capturing Moments

Today's Name Day - Gunilla

    Oh, lordy!!!  Things are not working like I want on my laptop..  I will figure it out.  But things I wanted fixed are good.  Sigh........
    Stayed too warm last night & we had fog until around noon.  I went to Salina & no fog at home but I drove into it.  Quite heavy in places.  And too warm today.  Might just need to turn my heat clear off all together.  Especially this weekend.  Dang sun is too low in the south sky so it really heats my house up.  Like summer,  my least liked season. 😞
    Had an awful plane wreck in DC that started in Wichita.  Last weekend there was an ice skating event in Wichita,  Some of them died in the wreck.  So sad.
    I actually heard from my other grandson.  Had a long visit.  Basically not heard from him in 2 years.  Not seen him in many years.  I laid how I felt on the line.  He deserved it.  But we had a long visit..  Swears I did nothing.  Maybe believe him,  Maybe.
    Long visit with my other grandson too.  Some good news & some not so good news.  I still have a wee bit of hope.  Not much.  My life just goes up & down and up & down.  Be nice to stay up for a while.  Maybe next week,  Or this weekend!!!
    JR's photographic show opens tomorrow.  Will spend the afternoon there with him & the artist working.  Will be fun!!
    Warm weekend then cool temps again.  Snow almost gone today.

This is a sketch I did years ago.  Just sharing.


Wednesday, January 29, 2025

01/2025 Onsdag the 29th - Wandering & Capturing Moments


Today’s Name Day:  Valter

Had an eventful day.  I was up at 5am.  Ate a cookie but the coke upset my stomach.  KN picked me up at 620am & off to the Salina Hospital.  Super nice lady checked me in.  I was worried about not having my insurance cards but they had all my info so no problem.  Then sat in a waiting area in the main lobby of the hospital.  Then the got us & we each got a room & chair to sit in.

Next the nurse assigned to me had my eye drops.  The ones to numb my eyes were the worst I have ever had.  They stung like hell.  Then eyes were dilated.  When my turn they came took me to a room with the laser.  I sat in front of it with my chin on a part of it & my forehead against another part.  The nurse pushed on the back of my head so I could not move it.

The laser did not hurt at all.  It made a clicking sound & I sort of felt it through my body.  Each eye got maybe 10 - 20 clicks.  I saw red circles that I stared at.  Then it was over.  One more cleansing eye drop & out to the main area of the first waiting area of the lobby.  And I waited for KN to come get me.  And home I went.  Glad I had brought my very dark glasses.  Light bothered my eyes a lot.
I was hungry so had lunch at 10am.  Then went to bed at 11am.  Slept until 3pm.  Kisse was in the bedroom & Cinder came to cuddle later.  Missed her.

My eyes at times will see better but sometimes still blurry.  No discomfort at all.  They just do not feel normal.  Tomorrow should be ok.
A sweet young artist who was here several years ago was good friends with my eye surgeon.  I was his driver while here & before he went back home to South America.  He was at my doctor’s house then & I went to say goodbye & he gave me 2 paintings as a thank you.  She & I had a nice visit about him today..  She is going to visit him soon.  I miss him.  Now he works in politics.  Cool.

Supper soon  Chicken noodle soup tonight.  I have been out of that kind so will enjoy.  Rain starting to move in to Kansas now..  See if we get a little rain.  Not much is forecast.  Mostly a warm weekend. 

Photos are a mix.

Tuesday, January 28, 2025

01/2025 tisdag the 28th - Wandering & Capturing Moments



Today’s Name Day: Karl, Karla


    Last day posting here.  Laptop comes home on Thursday.  I cannot wait!!!

    Stayed too warm last night.  Had to turn the heat down.  Way down today.  Way too warm.  House is ok at 74F now.

    I woke up feeling sick.  Did not last long.  Think it is nerves about tomorrow laser procedure..  Wish it was over,  Set my alarm for 5am.  No bueno.  Rest of the day was ok.  Little worse now but sure it is nerves.

    I managed to take a little nap.  I doubt I sleep tonight.  Dang.  During my nap I had several phone calls all about my laptop.

    Hard to watch the news seeing our country & the harming of hard working people.  And trying to hurt people on Medicaid, grants, etc.  I am ashamed of us.  How can anyone hurt people who are needy & sick.  Ashamed. 😞

    I need  to go get the mail.  Too lazy to go,  But will soon.  At least it is warm outside.

    Rain starts tomorrow evening.  Need rain so desperately.  Most of Kansas still hurting.

    My brother’s photos are getting arranged for his show that starts on Friday.  He talks on Sunday.  Be fun to be there.

    Photos now.




Monday, January 27, 2025

01/2025 Måndag the 27th - Wandering & Capturing Moments


SeeToday’s Name Day: Göte

This is going to be a challenge.  No laptop.  See what happens.  Hope I get mine back soon!!!

Cold again last night. But warm today.  Saw 41 driving to town.  Snow does not appear to be melting.  I think we have had snow on the ground for at least 2 weeks or more.  Not been like this for years & years.  I love seeing it all white.  And we have not had cold weather for a long time.

Lots of traffic in town.  Seems to get worse all the time.  Highway was not bad.  Traffic was not near me.  Behind mostly.  Timed leaving just right.

No Hutchinson today.  I did not get much sleep last night.  Cinder never left my side.  So sweet.  Maybe she senses my nerves.  I am feeling worse the closer “surgery” gets.  Wish it was over & done with.

I am on my iPad.  Much better than my laptop.  Easier to key on & it corrects my spelling correctly.

Done for today.  See how this works.


003/2025 Fredag the 07th - Wandering & Capturing Moments

  Today's Name Day:   Camilla I was in school with a girl named Camille.  We knew each other but not friends.  She was a year older ...