Saturday, January 4, 2025

01/2025 Lördag the 04th - Wandering & Capturing Moments


Peaceful day.

Today's Name Day:  Rut
My grandfather Boppa had a sister Ruth.  But I remember her calling her Rut. (root)

    I had a mostly quiet day.  My family with my 3 great grandsons & grandpuppy are all in town & safe.  I can relax.  And they have made sure I am ok & have all I need.  No other family have checked on me as of yet.  My brother is staying home.  Too icy to get out.
    Ice started early this morning.  I planned to go get the mail from yesterday & today.  One look at the car's windshield changed my mind.  Heavy while ice.  Mail can wait.
    I have a new room heater so I made a place to set it.  And in the process gathered many pieces of art to move to the office.  Not a fun job.
    I ate late & food for the cats was late.  They did not eat much.  Not sure where Cinder is but Kisse is curled up next to me.  I like that she does that more often.
    I just got a message from a friend in South Africa.  He sang Happy Birthday to me.  Très spécial!!!!  He truly made my day!!! 💖. His birthday is New Years Eve.
    Need to set up my heater.  My next job now.
    No snow here yet.  Later tonight.  Depending who posts & what app I look at I have seen anywhere from 15 to 20 inches of snow.  Winds up to 40 mph or more..  Right now they are gusting to around 30 mph.  Hope our electricity does not go out.  I refuse to go anywhere until the temp is 30.  That will be on thursday.  Wednesday I have to be here to sign some incoming mail.  If the electricity holds, I will be ok.  My water is dripping & I have plentry of food.
    I have gathered trash but cannot get to the trash bins.  Hope all animals  are sleeping tonight & not up to making a mess.  😱
    TV sucks.  I have checked movies showing & they are beyond sucking.  Or I have seen them.  SNL rerun on now.  Never tire of it.
    Tired.  Photos now.

My grand puppy.

My poor baby Nico

Animal prints in the snow years ago ---- Nico, cat, me, bird, rabbit

Part of my day today!!!

Good part of my day!

Snow from years ago

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003/2025 Söndag the 09th - Wandering & Capturing Moments

  They were near my house this afternoon.  You can see the first one was giving me the once or twice over!! 😃 Today's Name Day:   Torbj...