Friday, July 31, 2020

The Plague, Day 138......

I had a pretty great day. I slept good last night. So unusual. So liked. Wonderful weather. Low humidity. What a relief.

Started the day going to two banks to move some money from savings to checking. Then to the post office. And ended up at Jalisco's. I met my friend JR2. Nice lunch and great conversation. I cannot put into words how much I will miss her after she moves. Why do things have to end? But I am used to being alone.

I had a nice nap with the fur kids. Kisse even wanted to snuggle some. Not enough but getting more. She needs to have surgery. After mine then her turn.

My nephew KN saw me in the yard and drove by to say hi. He is far too good to me. I am sure I do not deserve it!

THEN. I went back to Jalisco's. Twice in one day!! I told my grandson CF that JR and I usually eat there on fridays! That is ok. Got to see JS and the other staff twice. And so great to see CF. He is doing great. Works a lot so I just do not see him often. We had fun talking and laughing! And JS was extra ornery!!

Ended the day giving JG a hypo. I hate hurting anyone but hurt it does. Poor guy!

Photos tonight are NEW flower photos from a local bed and breakfast.


Thursday, July 30, 2020

The Plague, Day 137......

Extra quiet day. Had stormy weather last night. No idea how much rain but it rained hard for a while. Lots of lightning but not too much thunder. Strong winds for a while. Then a break but the rain started this morning and is still coming down. Not super heavy but not light either. I cannot get to my rain gauge. Big water puddle. Will try tomorrow. And has stayed in the 60s all day. Perfect day for me. Cool, cloudy, rainy or foggy. Ahhhh.

I got next to no sleep last night so I napped today off and on. I had no plans so no problem. No where to go, no one to meet.

I have shared so many flower photos lately and some maybe tired of them. Today I share photos from Gilead Nebraska. Named after a hymn. A very pretty hymn. It is east off of Highway 81 on Highway 136. Next town is Fairbury. There was a nice park and a basketball area I did not share. I hope to return to attend church there and eat there. It may only have 39 people but the town is neat as a pin ---- even the abandoned buildings. Cannot say that for many little towns I know.

Cafe here.

Wednesday, July 29, 2020

The Plague, Day 136......

I had a dr app't today and lab but I cancelled. Just not up to it and too little sleep. Rested most of the day. I got sick after supper after supper last night. Better today.

Got fuel since I was on fumes only. And what a surprise, my grandson was in there! We had a nice visit. Maybe eat together on friday. I hope! I miss him. And he got to see my new car!

This afternoon I saw 6-7 turkey vultures on my large fuel tank. So lucky to see them. Must have been a coffee break. I got their photo!!

Finally. Lindsborg now is requiring masks inside any business or public building. But when eating can remove. If on the street and can distance each other, no mask. It is about time. Should have happened a long time ago.

Went to Jalisco's tonight. I did eat salsa and chips but opted for a hamburger and fries for supper. For a Mexican place, they make a great burger.

After supper JR and I drove west of town for cloud photos. Have storms moving in. Great photos.

I gave DG his last hypo tonight. Had something extra in it that hurt bad. I felt so guilty. His brother DV thanked me over and over. So nice to be appreciated. What a difference it makes in how I feel.

Took the boys longer to clean the restaurant up so I went to the Rosberg House and took flower photos. Heaven!! Post them tomorrow!! I played with 2 different apps. Next time will use my Pentax, my good camera!

Photos tonight are storm clouds.

Tuesday, July 28, 2020

The Plague, Day 135......

I had a pretty good day but it did not end good. There was rain today but not enough to get excited over. But the day was cool and cloudy. My favorite weather.

Nico and I were outside around 6am and after I spoke to him, I heard the owl again. Every time I talked I heard it. Very cool. Lived here for 50 years and only saw an owl one time and never heard one. I am liking this.

I had therapy today. It was a good session. I enjoy my therapist a lot. She can make sense of my kids and in no way blames me for doing what I can to be safe.  She is a really nice lady.

After therapy I met my friend JR2. She has been travelling to both coasts. Lucky her!!! I cannot seem to make it to Salina overnight!! We met at the White Peacock. She had  coffee. I had tea and homemade ice cream. Nice to visit. Been a long time.

Came home and went through my mail and had supper. I was going back to town to give JG his last shot tonight. Then I got very ill. Hope it is just something I ate. Or just my gallbladder. I do not want surgery. It rarely bothers me but tonight I feel bad. I called and cancelled. Hopefully I am ok tomorrow. Have lab and dr app't.

Photos today are from Fairbury Nebraska. I was there several years ago for a party with friends. I would love to go back. Seems like a neat little town. Easy to get around. If you notice in the one photo is another Jalisco Mexican Restaurant. Owned by the same family that own "my" Jalisco. A friend is a cook there.

On the highway into Fairbury there is a tiny town named Gilead. Has 39 people living there, a beautiful church, a restaurant. The town is clean and neat. I will look up the photos from there to post.

Last 2 photos are my fur kids.


Monday, July 27, 2020

The Plague, Day 134......

Very quiet day. We got a whopping .25" of rain. There was no severe weather. There was no flooding rains, at least not here. There were places north of me and south of me with lots of rain. Just rarely here. We did have a little lightning and drizzle. But they are still saying a chance of flooding this week. Yea, yea, yea.

Forgot I have a dr. app't this week. Ick. And lab. Then another app't next week and surgery. Oh, the excitement.

A friend asked if I was going to my Swedish group this week. I said no. As a group they do not wear masks. If they only take them off to eat the snack and drink coffee, well that is the entire meeting. Will not go. I feel like a stranger there anyway. Even as president, I felt like an outsider.

My town and the the towns on either side of us are all going to require masks. Heads are now starting to explode. "Where did you read that?" "I never saw that or heard that!"  Even when you show them the video they are hard pressed to believe. They can wear clothes, seatbelts, etc for protection but not a mask to make the Covid go away. It is a hoax, you know. Go figure. I think a big part of the problem is Kansas has a Democratic lady governor. "Some" will not take orders from her. You can figure who.

My RA is doing something different. Not so much pain but both hands are swollen. Had to take my rings off. Always something.

Have 2 huge mushrooms in a weedy growth. One has been huge but the one closest to me was sort of small but it has grown by leaps and bounds. Huge!! Used to have some that looked like little penises growing in the yard. Interesting.

More old photos today. The last 2 are from today.


003/2025 Fredag the 07th - Wandering & Capturing Moments

  Today's Name Day:   Camilla I was in school with a girl named Camille.  We knew each other but not friends.  She was a year older ...